Chapter 6:

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A/N: Hello everyone!!! JEFF IS SO FUCKING HOT I CAN'T STAND IT!!!!! I'm once again torturing myself by listening to "Easy Street" but it's for a good cause lol. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. It's gonna get real deep, real quick. Well...maybe. I love you all and enjoy. And again, please let me know if any of the characters take a trip down OOC lane!!!

"Dun dun dun DUN!!! Little Pig. Little Pig. Let me IN!!" Negan yelled.

The gate slowly rolled open and I saw Spencer standing there

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The gate slowly rolled open and I saw Spencer standing there. "Um...who are you?" He asked nervously.

"Oh you better be jokin! Negan...Lucille...I know I had to make a pretty strong first impression." Negan said as he leaned.

Carl saw Rick slowly approach the fence

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Carl saw Rick slowly approach the fence. "Well hello there!" Negan exclaimed. Rick just looked at Negan. "Do not make me have to ask." Negan said sternly.

"You said a week. You're early." Dad said as he opened the gate, avoiding Negan's gaze.

"I missed ya." Negan replied.

A walker slowly limped in between trucks and as it got closer Negan spoke

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A walker slowly limped in between trucks and as it got closer Negan spoke. "Hey, Prick, watch this." He walked over to the walker and shouted "CALLIN' IT!"

He took one swing at the walker with Lucille and it was dead. "Haha!! EASY PEASY LEMOM SQUEEZEY!!!!" Negan shouted.

Negan laughed again and slowly approached dad

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Negan laughed again and slowly approached dad. He handed Lucille to him and they walked towards the houses.

A few minutes later of Carl sitting in the van, he heard a single gunshot. He ran over to where it came from and saw Rick with a gun pointed at Negan.

Rick had his gun in one hand pointed at Negan with Lucille in his other. Negan watched as Carl slowly walked up behind Rick. Rick continued staring at him, not realising his own son was behind him with a gun poised to shoot.

Negan heard Carl's gun click and Rick turned around frantically. Terror washed over Rick's face when he saw Carl, his own flesh and blood, pointing a gun to his face. "Carl, don't do anything stupid. Please." Rick said, his voice wavering with fear.

Tears began going down Rick's face when Carl spoke. "Don't ever fucking do anything like that again, Prick. Negan could have you killed without moving a muscle."

Rick slowly approached Carl. "Carl, please, put the gun down. Let's talk about this!" Rick pleaded. Carl pointed his gun somewhere and shot some random fat chick. (A/N: Hey guys just to let you know I don't have anything against fat people. That's just kinda how Negan saw Olivia. I just fucking hated her so I had to kill her off.)

Rick stumbled back when he saw his son's actions. Carl quickly pointed the gun back to Rick, who was now on his knees. Negan walked over to Carl's side and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Carl why don't you go back to the truck and I'll finish our business." Negan said.

"No! I'm fucking tired of fighting. We need to end this and end it now!" He yelled, his voice cracking as tears threatened to spill.

Rick tried to stand up and embrace Carl, but Carl pushed Rick back down. Carl turned around and slowly sulked back to the van.

"Well...uh...this little family reunion is fuckin' awkward." Negan said. "This pick up surely did not go as planned, but I still want half your shit so...hand it over. NOW!!" He ordered.

"Dwight, search the houses for any useful shit." Negan continued. He went to go and sit down somewhere but he was stopped by the sound of a girl screaming.

Negan turned and saw Rapey Davey with a girl on his shoulder. "Let me go you sick son of a bitch!!" She screamed as she pounded her fists against his back.

"Is this useful, Negan?" David asked. Negan chuckled and ran his hand along his beard. "Well, she may be hot, she's too young for me. So, no." He said.

David dropped her to the ground and Rick ran over to her. "Enid! Are you okay?!" Rick said as he checked her.

"Whoa, whoa, WHOA!!! You're the famous Enid I've heard so much about?!" Negan laughed. "Arat! Bring Carl over here!"

Arat showed up with Carl walking next to her, his head down. "Carl!!!" Enid yelled. Carl lifted his head when he heard her voice. She ran towards him but she was stopped by him putting his hand up.

"Stop, Enid. Back off." He said. She folded her arms and tears sprang from her eyes. "WELL FUCK YOU TOO!!!" She screamed, running off to a nearby house. She slammed the door.

Negan laughed as he jokingly elbowed Carl in the side "Fucking women. Am I right?!" Carl looked at Negan coldly and began to walk away.

"Carl! Wait! Can we please just talk somewhere?" Rick pleaded as he walked behind him. Carl stopped walking and turned to face him.

"Why? Who else died dad?" He asked coldly.

"Cause it seems to me every time someone crosses paths with you, they're signing their death certificates right away!" Carl yelled. "Mom's dead. Sophia's dead. Hershel, Glenn, Abraham, Tyreese, Beth...even Shane...everyone is dead. BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" He screamed, tears running down his face.

Rick looked down to the ground and Carl said "I'm staying with Negan. And Judith is gonna come with me. I can't risk her life with you. We have a better chance of surviving with him than we ever did with you. We're just lucky we haven't died yet." Rick looked at Carl with tears in his eyes and shook his head.

"Come on Carl. Let's go home." Negan said as they turned to walk away. Negan stopped in his tracks when he heard a gun cock behind them.

He turned and saw Rick with a gun in his hand and pointed it at Negan's face. When he pulled the trigger all Negan remembered was hearing the gunshot, and a blood curdling scream that he never knew he was capable of doing.

A/N: I know I know you're alm probably pissed that I left you on a cliff hanger but as Negan once said "not for long!" So I'll update tomorrow considering it's the weekend. I'm just gonna let you know shit's about to hit the fan next chapter. I hope you liked this chapter. I'm not particular proud of it but oh well. I've been listening to Easy Street for almost 3 days straight. It's for a good cause. I'm surprised I haven't lost my goddamn mind yet. Anyway I love you all!!! You're so beautiful and don't let anyone tell you other wise. Night fuckers!!!! God Negan hasn't been the best influence on me. But who gives a shit!!! Love you!!! AKF!!!

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