Chapter 21:

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A/N: Hey guys. It's spring break!!!! But that's not stopping SPN from fucking ending. Anyway...I have BIG plans for Caranda. Let me know what you think in the comments as always. Love y'all so much. Follow me on twitter @GenaRayJDM and also follow my girl @RayAlysha. Akf and koko.

Xogr 🥃🖕🏻😘❤️😘🖕🏻🥃

Negan's POV:

After I left the bathroom I saw Miranda playing with Judith and her monkey. "Hey Miranda, we're gonna head to dinner in about an hour if you don't mind." Carl said behind me.

She spun around and blushed at the sight of Carl. Internally I was doing backflips and dancing around for this kid. I mean here's this kid I took under my wing, I gave him shelter, I taught him different ways and now he's acting like a real kid should. Having crushes and chasing girls.

"That sounds great." She smiled. There was a little silence and then I spoke up. "I'm gonna go and uh do something." I said as I picked up Judith and quickly left. I just wanted to give them time by themselves.

Carl's POV:

"Soooo...what are we gonna do while we wait?" I asked. Miranda shrugged her shoulders and sat on the bed. I sat next to her and I could practically feel the awkwardness radiating off of us.

"We could play 'never have I ever'." She suggested. "But with a twist. Every time you've done something you take off a piece of clothing." She said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

She must've seen the surprised look on my face because she threw her head back and laughed loudly. "I'm just fucking with you, Carl. I think you've seen enough naked people today." She said as she playfully pushed me.

"What makes you think you'd get completely naked before me?" I asked, cocking one of my eyebrows. "Well, Carl, I have a lot of experience in just about everything there is to do. So yeah." She said, sounding rather cocky.

"Well...prove it." I shot at her. She giggled slightly and we just stared at each other for what felt like forever. She was so damn beautiful and I just wanna keep her here with me forever. I just want her to be mine.

Her green eyes were slightly darker than normal and her freckles were accentuated. Her curly brown hair was resting around her face. She was truly a sight to behold. I couldn't stop myself. I just leaned in and pressed my lips to her cheek.

I kissed everywhere on her face but her lips. I felt her shudder from my touch and I smiled against her skin.

Miranda's POV:

Carl was kissing my face gently and I'd be lying if I said it didn't do things to me. God this guy! Why do I feel this way around him? What are you fucking stupid?! You like him, don't try and deny it anymore. I said to myself.

"Carl?" I whispered. He continued kissing my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his chest while he had his around my waist. "Hmm?" He asked, not stopping his kisses.

"Ar-what are we? Like are w-we a thing?" I asked nervously. Carl froze and looked at me slowly. "Well, only if you want to be something. I feel something between us. I've never really felt like this about anyone. Even before the world went to shit. I like you, Carl. I really do. And I just want to know, are we something?" I rambled.

Carl smiled nervously and we both blushed. "Umm...I think we are. I'd like to think that you think we're something. And I'd like to think that you think I think we are. And I'm just rambling bullshit. But me being dumb, I'm going to continue talking and make no sense what so ever. So uh...what was the question?" Carl said.

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