Chapter 3:

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A/N: Hey everyone!! Can we please just take a moment and marvel at how damn sexy JDM is! I mean HOT DAMN!! God has certainly been good to him! Flips all the tables. We DeSeRvE sOmE GoOd GeNeS ToO GoD!! I hope you are enjoying this fic. Please feel free to let me know about any other ideas you guys have or anything I should change about it. And once again if Coral or Negan or anybody goes OOC let me know!

Negan walked over to where Carl was standing and saw what he was looking at. Dwight was outside with Daryl. It was lunch time for his babies. Walkers that is.

Negan put his hand on Carl's shoulder and he tensed up. "Relax Carl. Daryl will be fine." Carl turned to Negan and shot him a death glare. "Dwight's gonna make sure nothin' happens to my Daryl."

Carl looked away from Negan and back to Daryl. He had beige clothes on and his front was marked with an orange "A".

"Let him go!" Carl yelled as he saw Dwight push Daryl to a walker. Carl turned to Negan, angrily staring at him.

"You better watch how you're staring at me, boy." He said with a smirk. Carl looked back and saw the walker on top of Daryl. His heart dropped as he watched him struggle to get it off. Carl felt Negan move next to him.

Static filled the room for a second before Negan spoke. "Dwighty-Boy! Why don't you help our friend out. Teach that walker not to bite the hand that fucking feeds it." He chuckled.

Dwight slowly walked over to Daryl and the walker. He reached down and pulled the walker aside. It flew into a pipe that was sticking out of the ground.

Negan slowly turned to Carl, a small smirk forming on his face. He licked his bottom lip like always. "Thank you" Carl whispered.

Negan slowly raised his eyebrows as if he were surprised. He put his hand in Carl's shoulder and pulled him away from the window.

Negan led Carl to a small sofa and sat him down. "You got a girlfriend, Carl?" He asked. Negan leaned forward as if he was expecting Carl to spill his whole life's story.

"Enid." Carl said. Carl slowly looked up at him and Negan smiled at him.

" screw her brains out?" Negan asked. Carl shot him a glare and Negan figured that was a no.

"Are you fucking with me?!" Negan exclaimed. "You're what, 16...17? And you haven't had sausage and tang yet?"
(A/N: Kids if you don't know what that means look it up.) Negan laughed loudly and slapped his knee.

"You haven't gone 20 toes? Put Percy in the play pen?" (A/N: I got these analogies from Tallahassee in Zombieland. Once again kids if you don't know what these mean, look em' up.)

Carl gave Negan the stupid stank eye. "If you're asking if I fucked my best friend, who I don't even consider my girlfriend because it's complicated, then no I have not, as you so lightly put it, 'screwed her brains out' yet." He snapped.

"Aha! You intend to don't you?!" Negan laughed again. Carl gave an annoyed chuckle and stood up. Negan suddenly pointed Lucille at him and said "SIT back down, Carl. We can talk about something else."

He slowly sat back down. "Ya got a mommy?" Negan asked. "Other than that black chick you follow around at Alexandria all the time."

Carl put his head down and messed with his hands. "Oh. I'm sorry kid." Negan said, trying to sound as apologetic as possible. "How?" he asked.

"I shot her. Before she could..." Carl said quietly, his voice trailing off.

"Jeez kid, no wonder you're so messed up. You certainly are a little serial killer in the makin'. I'm gonna blame daddy dearest for that one." Negan commented.

There was an unbearable awkward silence filled with Carl giving Negan the fuckin' death glare. "You bored, Carl?" He asked, breaking the silence.

Carl's face changed, but Negan couldn't place what emotion he was feeling. Carl shrugged his shoulders and Negan chuckled. "Use your words, son." he said.

"I guess." he replied. Negan stood up and grabbed Lucille. He rested her on his shoulder and motioned for Carl to follow him.

"Let's go on a fuckin' field trip, Carl." Negan said as he walked to the door. He opened it and watched as Carl stood up and walked over. "Go on, son." Negan said as he motioned for the door.

Carl followed Negan down a hallway and he took him to a set of doors. He unlocked it and slowly opened it. "Knock knock who's naked?" He asked in a singsong voice.

Carl chuckled and wondered why he was asking who was naked. He opened the door and revealed several women dressed like sluts. Some were drinking bubbly and others were talking amongst themselves.

"Hi Negan." Someone said in a wispy voice. Carl looked and saw a woman with shoulder length hair and a black dress. He might not have said it aloud but he thought she looked freakin' hot. (A/N: I know Carl was kinda disgusted by Negan's wives but come on we can't just sweep the fact that Carl's a teenage boy with needs and thoughts under the rug. I mean that's almost as inhumane as Rick killing that shit ton of Negan's men in their sleep.)

Negan turned and saw that Carl was shamelessly checking her out. "These lovely ladies are my wives."

'Wives? Plural? What the fuck?!' Carl thought to himself.

"I'm Sherry." the lady said as she put her hand out to shake. "Uh...C-carl..." he stuttered. Carl took her hand in his and shook it.

"Alright, Carl. This is where I go when I'm bored. I don't know why I took you here if you're not allowed to screw their brains out. I guess I just wanted to show you what I look forward to in the end of the day." Negan chuckled as he grabbed Sherry by her waist and pulled her close to his body.

"Cool collection you got here, Negan." Carl commented. Negan gave out a hearty laugh. "I'm sure you're stocked for life now."

"Oh Carl. A collector never stops collecting." Negan said as he wiped away a tear. Carl chuckled and Sherry looked uncomfortable like he was offending her for encouraging Negan's behaviour.

"Well, it's been great chatting but I'm bored so I'm gonna go do something with Carl. I will definitely be back tonight though so don't get too comfortable dear wives. One or two or maybe even all of you will be lucky enough to experience this." Negan said as he moved his hands down his sides as if showing them what their "prize" was.

Negan closed the door and locked it behind him. He had Lucille perched on his shoulder and they continued down the hall. He began whistling a familiar tune but Carl couldn't quite place what it was from. He knew he had definitely heard it before the world went to shit.

A/N: I think I'm gonna stop it here but I will update tomorrow. I do have school tomorrow and I have to try and actually make it through high school the first time around. I really enjoy writing this and I hope you enjoy it as well. Night bitches.

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