Chapter 5:

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A/N: Hey guys!! I know that's just a pic of Jeff. But he looks fucking majestic in it with his llama and alpacas so screw you whoever has a problem with it. Lol jk. Hopefully today's update is a lot better than last night's. It was late so give me a break. So just to let you know updates during the week will be slow because of school. I love you all and hope you have a great day!!!! Remember: you are so beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Always keep fighting.

Carl woke up with a killer headache the next day. His eye was still exposed and the blinding light in the barroom only made his headache worse.

He groaned as He adjusted my body on the sofa. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty." A voice said with a chuckle. "FUCK OFF!!" Carl yelled.

"Well, no more drinking for you then." The voice said again. Carl shook his head and realised it was Negan. Carl slowly uncovered his face and saw him standing in front of him with a tray in his hands.

Carl grunted as he sat up. He felt super light headed and closed his eyes tightly. "Here, take some of these they'll surely help." Negan said as he handed him a couple of pills.

Carl saw there was toast, oatmeal, and some eggs on the tray with a glass of orange juice.

He reached for the orange juice and took a swig. Carl threw his head back and swallowed the pills, shuddering as they went down his throat. "Jeez you couldn't have hidden them in bread or something?" he joked.

"Well I could've shoved em' up your ass like I did to my dogs. But we both know that would have been awkward for the both of us."

Carl gave him a disgusted look and Negan's eyes went wide. "Doctor's orders of course. I don't have an asshole fetish son. I'm not a psychopath." He said.

Carl chuckled and grabbed a piece of toast and shoved it in his mouth. Negan sat down on the sofa in front of him and watched Carl eat. There was a cup of coffee on the table and Carl leaned forward and grabbed it.

"That'" Negan began to say but Carl cut him off "Not anymore." Negan pouted and reached forward and grabbed Carl's oatmeal.

"Well then, this is mine." He said as he began to stuff his face with the grey looking stuff.

"You can have it. I wouldn't eat that grey shit if it were the last thing on earth." Carl said as he took another drink of coffee.

Negan put the bowl on the table and stood up. "Let's go for a ride kid." He said.

Carl's face was stuffed with another piece of toast and he turned and looked at him

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Carl's face was stuffed with another piece of toast and he turned and looked at him.

(A/N: I know this is a gif of Dean and not Coral but it's just too fitting for the situation and too fucking cute to pass up

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(A/N: I know this is a gif of Dean and not Coral but it's just too fitting for the situation and too fucking cute to pass up. So if you got a problem you can take it up with Lucille.)

"Where to?" Carl asked with his mouth full of toast. Negan chuckled.

"We're gonna pay daddy-dearest a visit. After all it's been almost a week since he's seen poor sonny boy!"

Carl swallowed the toast but it got stuck in his throat. He felt like he was gonna spew everywhere so he got up and ran from around the couch. Negan must have know where Carl was going because he had opened a door that led to a small bathroom.

Carl fell on his knees and vomited his guts out. Negan patted his back for a minute and Carl groaned over his shoulder "You don't have to help me. I'm a big bo-." Carl was cut off by more uncontrollable vomiting and he heard Negan chuckle as he continued to pat Carl's back.

"First hangovers are the fucking worst! Well any hangover is the fucking worst for that matter. Some people just know how to hold their booze better than others." Negan chuckled again as he walked out of the room.

As Carl was getting cleaned up he heard a few clacking noises and Negan cheering "Fuck yeah!!" He must have been playing pool because a few more clacking noises followed suit of his cheers.

Carl washed his face with water and rinsed his mouth out. He closed the bathroom door and saw Negan standing by the main door.

Negan had Lucille in his hands and was swinging her around like he was hitting something. "Ready?" He asked. Carl nodded his head and wiped his hands on his pants.

After Carl walked out of the room Negan closed the door and locked it behind him. They walked down the same hallway and they went through the door that led to outside.

There was a van waiting for them and several black trucks. There were some of the Saviors pacing while others were waiting in the trucks and there was Dwight who was sitting on the bed of the truck dangling his feet above the ground.

"DWIGHTY-BOY!!!" Negan boomed. Dwight nearly jumped out of his skin and quickly jumped off the truck. "You ready to head out to Alexandria?!" Negan asked enthusiastically.

They all jumped in the vehicles but Simon stayed behind. Daryl popped up from the group of people waiting in the front area. "I swear if you hurt him..." Daryl began.

"Simon! Daryl needs a timeout. Put him back in his box." (A/N: I know it was Dwight he said it to but it's for the story so just go with it. And I really wanted to continue picturing Dwight being like a little kid waiting patiently to go somewhere while he was in the bed of the truck, so there.)

Simon started pulling Daryl away and Negan stuck his hand out the window and flipped Daryl off.

Dwight started the truck and they slowly pulled out of the gates

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Dwight started the truck and they slowly pulled out of the gates. It was about an hour of a drive but they finally got to Alexandria.

"Wait here." Negan said as he started to get out of the truck. He closed the door and sauntered over to the gates.

He banged on the gates three times with Lucille and said "Little Pig, Little Pig. Let me IN!"

A/N: Hey guys

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A/N: Hey guys. I'm gonna leave this chapter here. So much for that promise about making this one better than the last one. I love you all. And thank you so much for those who stuck around to continue reading!!!! I hope you have a great day tomorrow and once again I'll try and update tomorrow!!! Muah!!! Love you!!!You're all so beautiful no matter what anyone says!!! Always keep fighting!!!!!

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