Chapter 10:

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A/N: JUST FOR YOU @punqueenspice0725 !!! Jeff is so hot in general but when you give him dear Bisou and Bandit and it only amplified his hotness

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A/N: JUST FOR YOU @punqueenspice0725 !!! Jeff is so hot in general but when you give him dear Bisou and Bandit and it only amplified his hotness. I told ya I wouldn't keep you waiting too long. This part of the story was just kinda me wingin' it at this point. Anyway I love you all so much and thank you for your support!!!! Now back to the story!!!

Negan walked back in the bar and made his way to the counter. He reached down and grabbed all the good liquor there was. Carl sat down at a stool and placed his hat down next to him.

Negan set a couple of glasses down and then Carl looked up with a small smile. "You ever been here before?" He asked. Negan looked at him and smirked. He shook his head as he continued to pour their drinks.

"What makes you think that?" Negan retorted. Carl pointed to something behind Negan and he turned to see what it was. "Well I'm pretty sure you don't have a twin brother so yeah." He said.

Negan looked at the heavily dust covered picture, a small smile formed on his face. It was of Negan and an old buddy of his, he used to have drinking wars with.

Negan took it off the wall and cleared the dust away with his gloved hand was and put it back.

"Well ya caught me. I used to come here every day after work. Just to escape from life." Negan said as he handed Carl the shot glass of tequila. "Take this one slow." He suggested.

Carl grabbed the shot glass and downed the tequila in one gulp. He grunted as the liquid went down his throat. "I told you to take it fuckin' slow, son." Negan laughed. Carl shot Negan a fake 'fuck you' look which only made him laugh harder.

"Hey who's that?" Carl asked, pointing to another picture on the wall. Negan turned to where he was pointing and saw what the picture was of. Negan's heart dropped and he felt the colour leave his face.

"That's...uh...that's my wife. Lucille. She...uh...I met her at this bar." Negan said, trying not to let his voice shake.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Carl apologised quietly.

"Don't ever fuckin' apologise to me, son. It's not like anyone could have done anything about it." Negan quickly replied.

He threw his head back as he downed the shot of tequila and immediately poured another. "And you told me to take it fuckin' slow?" Carl chuckled. Negan had taken about five more shots and was pouring another.

"Oh, I can handle my liquor, son. In case you didn't notice I won every drinking war there ever was." Negan countered.

"What about Lucille? Did she ever do the drinking wars?" Carl asked suddenly. Negan put his head down as memories flooded back from the past.

"This shit ain't fuckin' strong enough." Negan said, changing the subject as he leaned down behind the bar. He found something a little more suiting for this situation.

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