Chapter 24:

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A/N: HI DENNY!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Okay Howdy guys. I'm just gonna get straight to the point. I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR CARANDA!!!! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THEIR LITTLE COUPLE TO JUST EXPLODE INTO BEAUTIFULNESS!!!! I love y'all so much and hope you have a fan-freaking-tastic day!! Damn I've got a shit ton of energy. I wonder how long that'll last. Guess Daddy'll have to find out. Wait...what the fuck...I'm Negan. That makes me Daddy...what the fuck?!?!

Carl's POV:

We couldn't have gotten to the Sanctuary sooner. As soon as we pulled up, I jumped out of the truck and ran inside. I sprinted up the stairs running into several of the Saviors on the way. As soon as I got to Miranda's room, I was a panting mess. I knocked on the door lightly and a few seconds later a very distressed looking Miranda opened the door.

When she saw me her expression relaxed, but was soon replaced with a look of anger. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAIT FOR ME?! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY BYE?!?!" She yelled at me, pushing me against the wall. "I thought...I thought something happened to you. I-I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you and I never got to say goodbye." Miranda sobbed.

She rested her head on my chest and I just had her close. I stroked her hair gently as she cried quietly. "It's okay. I promise you, I won't let anything happen. I'll always come home to you. I promise." I whispered.

She looked up at me, her big green eyes still full of tears. "Okay." She said quietly. She kissed me gently and pulled me into her room. She shut the door behind us and locked it.

She grabbed my hand and led me to her bed. She sat me down on it and straddled my lap. I kissed her softly and she wrapped her hands around my neck.

The kiss got heated very quickly and when we pulled away, we were both left breathless and wanting more.

I put my forehead to Miranda's. "I love you." I whispered. Miranda looked at me with complete shock on her face. D-did I say something wrong? Dammit Carl what the hell were you thinking?! Why would you do that?! I mentally yelled at myself.

I was so surprised when Miranda presses her lips hard against mine. Before I could kiss her back she pulled away. "I love you too." She panted, her forehead pressed to mine.

"I-I think I'm ready." She whispered. I looked up at her, shock on my face. "A- are you sure?" I asked, not wanting to rush her.

"Yeah...are you?" She asked quietly. I nodded my head and smiled softly. She got off my lap and stood up with me.

She wrapped her arms around my torso and gave me a tight hug. I flipped her around and gently set her on the bed.

I trailed small kisses down her cheek and to her neck. She let out a small whimper and gripped my neck tightly.

A/N: Okay guys, before these crazy kids go too far I'm gonna have to leave you on a momentary cliffhanger. If you got a problem, then fuck you and take it up with Lucille. I just found out my grandma's got about 1-2 years left to live so I'm sorry if I don't update as often as before. It's not like I updated fast then. I love y'all and hope y'all have a beautiful day. Akf and koko.

Xogr 🖕🏻🥃😘❤️😘🥃🖕🏻

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