Chapter 15:

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A/N: Shit guys. I didn't realize how much I was neglecting this fic. I've been so involved in Heartbreaker and a bunch of others I've been working on. I hope you guys aren't disappointed with how this fic is turning out. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read it. I love you all so much. And you're all so goddamn beautiful and don't let anyone tell you that you're not. Always keep fighting and keep on keepin on.

Xogr 😘🖕🏻❤️🖕🏻😘

Carl's POV:

Enid jumped down from the truck and continued pointing her gun at Negan's head. "Enid please don't do anything stupid." I begged. She slowly began putting her gun down as I approached her slowly.

"Are you seriously trying to protect this sicko?!" She snarled. Negan had pulled someone in front of him using him as a shield.

"Don't do anything stupid." Negan repeated with more authority. Enid scoffed at him and pointed the gun back up at him. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"'re not the same person I loved. You're following this psycho around and I miss you. Everything is going to shit in Alexandria and Maggie's losing her goddamn mind." She said as she sobbed softly.

"Dammit Enid." I said. "I'm staying here. I have to. I want to stay here. Me and Judith aren't going anywhere." I continued. She began sobbing loudly and Negan just watched in the background.

"Fine. If you're not gonna come back then I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm lost without you Carl. I need you." She said. I shook my head. "That's a you problem Enid. I've told you I'm staying here and that's final." I growled.

She took a deep breath and stepped away from me. "Enid?" I asked. She slowly faced all of Negan's men and looked me in the eye.

"I'm sorry Carl. You're going to eventually make the right decision. Not today, but you will." She said as she pulled the gun up to her head. "NOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed as she pulled the trigger.

Her body fell to the ground and I ran over to her. Negan pulled me back and held me in his arms. I tried breaking free but his grip was too tight.

"GODDAMMIT!" I screamed. I was so sick and tired of people dying. Negan's grip loosened after his men dragged Enid's body away. Tears didn't fall, it was just pure rage was all I could feel.

I'm so used to people dying I've become numb to it. I stood up and Negan tried to stop me from going on a war path. "Carl! Get back here!" He yelled. I turned around and flipped him off.

I stomped off to my room and began sprinting when I head his loud footsteps following behind me. Once I got to my room I slammed the door and locked it behind me.

"Carl?! Open the fucking door now!" Negan yelled as he pounded on the door. I walked to the bathroom and grabbed the hidden bottle of vodka I had found on a run.

"Fuck off!" I yelled back as I twisted the cap off and taking a swig straight from the bottle. "Son...please let me in." He begged.

I sighed heavily and slowly walked to the door. I unlocked it and saw Negan standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"Carl I'm afraid you're turnin' into a goddamn drunkard. And that's not a good thing." He said as he pointed to the bottle in my hand.

I scoffed as I set it down on my nightstand. I let him in and he sat on my bed. "Carl I want you to come down to the cafeteria with me and have some dinner." He said.

I looked at him for a minute then shrugged. "I was hoping to be by myself tonight but apparently that's not gonna happen."

He laughed and we headed down the hallway to the cafeteria. Once everyone saw Negan enter they all kneeled down. "As you were you sorry shits." Negan said impatiently.

We went to the front of the line where we got our food and went to sit at a table in the corner. "Oops I'm so sorry." I said as I bumped into someone behind me.

"Oh you're okay." A soft voice said. I turned around and saw a girl that looked my age with curly brown hair and green eyes. She really was beautiful. She had freckles that covered her nose and forehead.

She giggled nervously and blushed lightly. "I'm Carl." I said with a smile.
"Oh uh, Miranda." She replied. I held out my hand and she shook it. 

"Well I uh better get back to dinner." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. She gave me a small smile and blushed. She blushed? Wow. "I'll see ya around." She said with a small wave.

I turned to walk to Negan and smiled to myself. When I got to the table I saw Negan smiling like a fucking idiot. "What tickles your balls this time?" I asked.

"Oh nothing just the fact that you love her." He teased. I rolled my eyes and began eating my lunch. "Come on Carl. You can still have a crush on someone even in this world." Negan said elbowing me slightly.

"I don't like her. She just seems nice I guess." I said shrugging my shoulders. We ate our dinner in silence, making a few jokes here and there.

We finished our dinner and headed back to our rooms. Before I went inside Negan spoke. "Hey Carl...take it easy on the vodka alright? I'll see ya tomorrow son."

I nodded and headed inside. I glanced at the bottle of vodka on my nightstand and grabbed it. I walked to the bathroom and put it back in it's hiding spot. It took all my strength to not open it and drink it all.

I decided to take a long, hot shower to clear my head from the day's events. However, I couldn't stop thinking about Enid. Why would she do that? Something so selfish? I thought what we had was special. But apparently not to her.

I shook my head of the thoughts and stepped out of the shower. I dried off and got dressed in my night clothes. I fell asleep in a matter of minutes but I woke up covered in sweat and was completely out of breath.

I heard the door swing open and saw a very drowsy looking Negan standing kneel by the side of the bed. "Carl are you okay?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"Yeah...just a bad dream I guess." I said quietly. Negan sat on the edge of the bed and sat there until I went back to sleep.

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