Chapter 26: THE END

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~Three year time skip~ sorry~

"Carl, Judith, Miranda! Dinner!" Negan yelled through their house. He turned to Marie, his wife, who was taking care of their baby boy, Ethan.

"Hey baby," He smiled and placed a soft kiss to her cheek. "You ready for some dinner?"

"Yes sir." Marie replied, giving him a cheeky salute.

"Don't you go sayin that babe, you know what I'll do." He growled, leaning down and biting her earlobe.

"Uh okay ew." Carl mumbled from the kitchen door, Judith standing in front of him.

"Yeah Daddy, ew." Judith whined. Miranda grabbed Carl's hand and led him to the table.

"Like you don't do that with me?" She teased, sitting down next to him. Carl turned a deep red and looked away while Negan started laughing.

"That's my boy, Carl." He praised, patting him on the back.

"Yeah whatever dad." Carl mumbled. "What's for dinner?"

Negan went over to the oven and pulled out a pan of baked chicken. "Got some chicken from the farm and vegetables mom picked."

"It smells amazing." Miranda commenting, smiling widely. Negan gave her a sweet smile.

"Hopefully it tastes as good as it looks. It's an old recipe my grandma taught me." He explained.

"It looks great babe." Marie smiled, giving Negan a quick kiss on the cheek.

They all sat down at the table, chattering and laughing at old stories. They were all a family. Something Negan had something he needed.

He often thought it was Lucille's way of giving him a better life. He thought Lucille gave this to him to make him happy.

Whatever happened, whoever gave it to him, Negan was happy. He was happy with his little family.

Carl had a girl to love. Judith had a little brother to grow up with. And Negan had a beautiful wife to grow old with. The perfect, badass family anyone could ask for.

A few years back Negan had agreed to work with the Hilltop, the Kingdom and Alexandria. Oceanside had eventually come around with lots of persuading, but they work with them as their coast guard.

Slowly, all the communities had grown and spread across the land, furthering their horizons.

Daryl was Negan's new right hand man and had gotten married to Carol.

Jerry and Gabriel got together and became lovers.

Ezekiel was so heartbroken over Carol, he ran away and married a tiger named Robert.

Also he tried to murder Daryl with a stick he named Pasta Sauce.

A/N: Okay guys. I am soooooo sorry for this shit ending. I really wanted to give you guys something good but I just couldn't focus on shit! I really had a better ending in mind but ya know hopefully this made you laugh. I wanted to give Carl and Negan the best ending possible. If you guys have a problem with it FUCK OFF! Make your own Cegan fic then! Sorry bout that...Any-who! I hope y'all enjoyed! This is my first ever fan fiction I've ever completed!


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