Chapter 19:

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A/N: Hey guys I hope you liked last chapter. I thought it was just so damn cute. Let me know what you think in the comments. Love y'all so much. A.k.f. and k.o.k.o.

Xogr 🖕🏻😘❤️😘🖕🏻

Oh and happy late birthday to Baby Odette Padalecki!!! You're getting so big so fast, baby girl!! And Happy birthday baby...we'll not so much...Tom!!!!!! You guys are getting so big!!!!!!!

Negan's POV:

I woke up the next day still in Carl's room. He was curled up by my side and I still had my arm draped around him. I smiled down at the sleeping boy. I had always wanted this ever since I had started getting close to him.

I slowly started to slide off the bed but his grip around my waist tightened. I sat there for a minute to make sure he didn't wake up before I started to move again.

He began to stir and I was mentally kicking myself for waking him up. "Shhh. It's okay go back to sleep, son." I whispered. I put my hand on his head to reassure him and he began to relax.

Once I slid out of the bed I headed to the door. I looked behind me one more time to make sure he didn't wake up. Good he's still asleep. I thought to myself.

I quietly closed the door behind me and headed to my room. It was directly across from his so I could check on him when he had nightmares.

When I entered my room I saw Judith was still fast asleep in her crib. She was gripping her stuffed monkey I had gotten her tightly. I smiled at her and approached her crib.

I reached down and ran my hand over her mop of blonde curls. She was truly a beautiful baby. I watched her sleep for a few minutes and decided I should get dressed for the day.

I jumped in the shower and continued my daily routine. When I was completely ready Judith was standing in her crib. She started bouncing up and down and was making cute baby noises when she saw me. Her curly blonde hair was standing in every direction possible and the sun light that shone through the window made it look even blonder.

"Hi, baby girl!" I exclaimed as I picked her up. She cooed at me and poked my face with her small baby finger. "You want some strawberries for breakfast?" I asked her in a baby voice.

She must've understood what I said because her face lit up at the sound of the word strawberries. I took her over to the bed and pulled out an outfit for her to wear.

We had a full wardrobe for her after we came across a baby store. I got her in a small yellow sundress and white sandals for the day. While I was brushing her hair she was playing with her toy monkey.

We headed down the hall to the cafeteria and went to the front of the line. "Can I get a bowl of strawberries and a bowl of oatmeal, please?" I asked, giving the lady a smile. She nodded and sped to the kitchen.

Soon after we got the fruit we headed back upstairs. I knocked quietly on Carl's door and was surprised to see him fully dressed. "Mornin' son." I said handing him the bowl of oatmeal.

"Thanks." He said as he sat on the sofa. Judith sat on my lap as I fed her the strawberries and Carl sat across from us. If we weren't in the middle of a goddamn apocalypse this could be considered a perfect life.

Two beautiful kids and not a care in the world. If only I could share this life with Lucille. God I missed her so much. I loved these kids. I love these kids. O thought to myself. I kept thinking it over and over again. I was doing it for them because it's what Lucy would've wanted. If only she could see me now.

"So I've gotta go on a run today and I was hoping you could stay back and ya know be a kid. Or at the very least watch Judith." I said as Carl finished his oatmeal.

"Well...I mean I was kinda hoping to come with you but I guess I could stay back today." Carl said with a shrug. I smiled and gave Judith a little kiss on the forehead.

"Alrighty-roo. It's settled." I said as I patted my knee. (Just for you Alysha Ray!❤️) I finished feeding Judith her strawberries and when she was done I took her to the bathroom to wash her face off.

"You're a messy girl aren't you?" I said playfully. She giggled as I began to tickle her sides. I blew raspberries on her stomach and cheeks. My heart warmed at the sound of her giggles. I loved to hear it.

"Uh oh. The big bad monster's gonna get you!" I growled. I picked her up and set her on Carl's bed. "Oh where is you're knight in shining armor Princess Judith?" I teased as I pretended to be a dragon.

Carl soon joined the fun and pretended to rescue Judith from the fire breathing dragon. He pretended to stab me with an invisible sword. "Gaaaah you got me!" I groaned as I clutched my stomach. I collapsed to the ground and played dead.

I tried to stifle my laughs when I heard Judith frantically whimpering from the bed. Out of nowhere I felt something jump on me. When I opened my eyes I saw Judith sitting on my chest.

"Here let me help you up." Carl said reaching his hand out for me to grab it. But instead of letting him help me up, I pulled him down to the ground. We were all piled up in one big, happy heap.

We played for a couple more minutes until Dwight knocked on the door. When he opened it he was greeted with the sight of me on the ground and Judith and Carl both in my arms. He smiled slightly but it was soon replaced with his normal serious face.

"We're ready to go now, sir." Dwight said as he went to help me up. I stood up and hugged Judith tightly. I gave her a big kiss on her cheek and set her back on Carl's bed. I turned to him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I'll be back soon. I promise." I said as I kissed the top of his head. He smiled and sat back on the bed with Judith.

"Hey uh N-Negan can Miranda come hang out with me today?" Carl asked as Judith played with his hat. I smirked at him and nodded. "You don't have to ask me for permission for that kinda stuff, son." I laughed.

He smiled and said okay. I grabbed Lucille from by the door and we headed down the hall to outside.

A/N: Hey guys I'd keep writing but I'm so fucking tired I'm gonna hit the sack now. I've had a long day and I'm just ready to see my Moose tomorrow. Love you all so much. A.k.f. and k.o.k.o. Night bitches.

Xogr 😘❤️🖕🏻❤️😘

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