Chapter 23:

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A/N: Howdy guys!! Damn Daddy lookin' fly as fuck with baby Gusy!!! like father like son 🖕🏻🖕🏻Fucking love him and his family. I hope you enjoyed last chapter. Let me know in the comments and please tell me what you think of Caranda, or the fact that Carl fucking called Negan DAD!!! What'd you guys think of that? Anyways gots lots of plans for this new chapter and the ones yet to come (pun intended) just kidding. Akf and koko.

Xogr 🥃🖕🏻😘❤️😘🖕🏻🥃

Negan's POV:

"Nothing. Just thinking." Carl said, not looking from the window. I looked back to the road for a second before I pulled over to the side of the road.

"Hey...about this morning..." I began but Carl cut me off. "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"No. Let me finish. About this morning...when you called me dad. I thought that was real cool. You have no idea how happy it made me feel when I was called dad. Ive never been called that before. And I consider you my son. Blood or not, I love you, Carl. I love Judith. She's my daughter. I will do anything for you guys. I will bend over backwards for you two. I love you both so much." I continued. Tears began coming to my eyes.

"I never thought I'd ever live to see the day someone would call me dad. To be part of a family. To have kids. To To feel loved." I said.

Carl took my hand in his and squeezed it gently. "I do love you Dad. You have been through shit. We've been through shit. We will always be family. You've done so much for me. For Judith. For the whole Sanctuary. More than you know. We owe you our lives for that. Think of all the people you've saved, the people you've provided for, the people you've employed. You are our savior." Carl replied. We stared at each other for a while before I resumed driving.

We arrived at the new community just a half hour later. It was in the middle of nowhere and there were walls surrounding it. It wasn't big. When we pulled up the gates opened and I saw Simon's giant bald spot shining in the sun.

I stopped the truck and Carl jumped out with me. We walked over to Simon who had about ten people kneeling before him. "Simon!" I exclaimed sarcastically. He quickly turned around and the smug grin that's normally there was replaced with a nervous glance.

"N-Negan! You're here now! That's great. Now we can get started." Simon said nervously. I gave him a bitchy smile and walked in front of him.

"Hi. I'm Negan. You must be the new community Simon told me so much about." I said, pacing back and forth along the line of people. "I'm sorry. I'm being so rude. Simone shouldn't have made you kneel. He's a little pussy sometimes. Y'all can get up. Just don't try anything and I might be able to trust y'all."

They all hesitated to stand up but once they were all up I spoke again. "Which one of you is the leader here?" I asked.

A very tough looking woman approached me. She clearly looked like she had quite a pair of beach ball sized lady nuts. "Well...hi." I said extending my hand out to hers.

She just glanced at it and looked at me on disgust. She was quite attractive. That's saying a lot considering I fuck any woman I see. "Are you seriously not gonna take my hand? You know I was gonna bash one of you sorry pricks' brains in...but I was feeling rather...generous and decided to let you guys slide by without punishment. Oh fuck are you wrong. If I were you I would take my hand without question." I said sternly.

Miss Beach-Ball-Sized-Lady-Nuts continued to look at me in disgust. "Don't be rude asshole...say hello." I commented. She rolled her eyes and hesitantly put her hand in mine.

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