Chapter 16:

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A/N: Daddy looks angry. Time for the belt. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻got my fingers crossed for a little freaky deaky.

Carl's POV:

I woke up the next morning to Judith sitting on my chest and playing with my hair. "Good morning Judith." I giggled. She gave me a smile showing her baby teeth. I ran my hand along her curly blonde hair.

She grabbed my face in her baby hands and gave me a slobbery kiss. "Gross!" I laughed as I wiped the slobber from my face. She giggled as she leaned forward and squeezed my neck in her short arms.

"G'mornin' son." Negan said, smiling as he was sitting on one of the sofas. "Morning." I replied. He stood up and carried a tray over. It had pancakes with fruit arranged to make a smiley face and a glass of orange juice.

"Judith helped me make you some pancakes this morning." Negan said with a smile. I gave him a smile in return and began eating my breakfast. Judith grabbed one of the strawberries off my plate and tried shoving it in my mouth.

I opened my mouth wide and she placed the fruit in her own mouth. "Awe. I wanted that strawberry." I fake pouted. She giggle and I picked up another strawberry and dipped it in the syrup.

"Ooh!" Judith cooed. She opened her mouth and I fed it to her. A bright smile formed on her face and she giggled loudly. Negan sat back in awe at the display.

Negan's POV:

I couldn't help but smile at Judith and Carl. They were the kids that I've always wanted. The kids I could never have. My heart hurt at the thought of Lucille and I trying so hard to have kids. It only hurt more when I thought about just going off and cheating on her.

The fact that she never left was beyond me. I didn't realize how lucky I was to have her as a wife until she died. It just goes to show you don't appreciate something until it's gone.

I decided to make today a very special day for Carl and Judith. I was gonna take them to the beach. It was an honor to have Carl's first drink with him, his first motorcycle ride, and now Judith's first beach experience.

I know there are going to be those dead pricks at the beach but I could always take Dwighty-Boy and Simon with us. I stood up and picked Judith up in my arms.

"Carl get up. We're gonna go to the beach today." I said. A smile appeared on his face but was replaced with worried eyes. "It's okay son. I'm bringing people with us." I said hoping to relieve his anxiety.

His expression relaxed and he continued eating his breakfast. I took Judith out to the main room where everyone gets their thangs. Everyone kneeled as soon as they saw me. "As you were you chicken shits." I ordered.

They all went back to work and I stood in the line. Being the impatient person I am I stepped to the front of the line and rummaged through a pile of kids' clothes.

I found a little bathing suit for baby Judith and some swimming trunks for Carl. I smiled to the lady in charge of that shit and headed back to my room.

As I was getting Judith dressed in her swimsuit I heard a knock. "Come on in." I said. Carl opened the door and he stepped in.

"Hey, uh I was wondering if uh Miranda could come with us." Carl said nervously. This only confirmed my suspicions of him liking her. "Hell yeah." I said, trying to hide my excitement.

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