Chapter 4:

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A/N: Hello everyone!! I hope you guys had a great day today!!! Sorry if I didn't update sooner, you know I got to go to priso-I mean school everyday, which is so fun!! I just love it! Anyways I hope you enjoy!!! Love you all!!!

Negan stopped whistling as they walked up to a door. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He unlocked the door and turned and faced Carl.

"You ready?" He asked with a smirk. Carl nodded his head and he slowly pushed the door open. He stepped in and Carl followed suit.

Carl saw a pool table, a bar, a dart board, a flatscreen tv, and a jukebox. He ran over to the pool table and ran his hand over the smooth, green velvet. They had a pool table at Alexandria but it was in Spencer's house and Carl wasn't really allowed in there. He was still kinda mad at Rick for his mom and dad's death.

Negan let out a chuckle as he walked over to the bar. He set Lucille down in the corner and reached behind the counter. He pulled out a bottle of liquor, what Carl assumed was whiskey.

"Do you want one, son?" He asked as he poured himself a glass. Carl had never really drank, except that time when he was with Dr. Jenner and Sofia was alive and Jacqui and Dale and Andrea. And mom. Lori let Carl try some of her wine but he thought it was the grossest thing he had ever put in his mouth. Carl thought of how many people had died since they crossed his dad's path.

Negan raised his eyebrows at Carl as he waited for an answer. "Oh...I never really drank before." Carl stuttered. He smiled and poured another glass.

"Well, here's to trying new fucking things!" He exclaimed as they both raised their glasses in the air. They cheered and Negan put the glass to his lips.

Carl took a small sip of it and it burned the shit out of his throat but then a warm feeling formed in his stomach. A good warm feeling. Carl hasn't felt a feeling like that since...he didn't even know when.

Negan chuckled when he saw Carl's face when he first swallowed the booze. Carl smiled back as Negan stood up. He walked over to the juke box that was in the corner and pressed a button.

*Hall and Oates' "You Make My Dreams Come True" starts playing.*

Carl was slightly surprised to see it still worked. But hey, there's a first for everything right? "Fucking Hall and Oates. Never gets old." Negan said as he smiled widely. He was singing to the song and was way off key but it was fuckin' funny to see that bastard make a fuckin' fool of himself.

They began shooting darts against Carl's wishes. He obviously kept missing and hitting the wall next to the dart board. Negan obviously won and they moved on to something else.

He walked over to the pool table and Carl joined him. They shot some pool for about 4 hours and by now Carl had been so drunk he was stumbling everywhere.

"FUCK YEAH!!!" Negan yelled as he shot two balls into a pocket. Carl laughed drunkenly as he watched Negan do a little victory dance.

Carl felt like he was bonding more with Negan than he did with his own dad

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Carl felt like he was bonding more with Negan than he did with his own dad. What does he expect, Rick gives him a fucking cowboy hat and Carl should be best friends with him? Carl shared his first drinking experience, which is a total milestone in any life, with someone he barley knows and now they're super close.

"NEGAN!!!" Carl slurred loudly. "I NEED MORE!!!! I NEED IT!!!!" he yelled again.

Negan laughed loudly and stood up

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Negan laughed loudly and stood up. He stumbled slightly but regained his balance. He walked over to the bar and grabbed a new bottle of booze. By now they had gone through a bottle of whiskey and half a bottle of vodka.
(A/N: I know you're probably wondering how Coral can hold his alcohol so well. Let's just say beginner's luck.)
Negan poured a glass of something and handed it to Carl. He went to grab it but missed and his whole body flew onto the ground. Carl started laughing hysterically as Negan stumbled over to try and help him up. Carl sat up and went to reach for the glass in his hand. Most of it spilled everywhere and on Negan's hands and Carl's clothes.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!! I WANT IT!!" Carl yelled as Negan pulled the glass to his face.

"Dammit, Carl." Negan slurred. "Why do you do this to me, kid?" he chuckled as he wiped the liquid from his face. Negan set the glass down on the table and sat back on the couch.

Carl was still laying on the ground with his face up to the ceiling. "Stay here. With me." Negan said suddenly. He wasn't sure if it was the booze talking or if it was actually his brain saying this. Negan knew he didn't want Carl to go back to Rick only for Carl to get killed under the watch of his father.

"What the fuck?" Carl mumbled. "What about my dad and...and Judith?" He asked. "She can stay with us." Negan replied. That's all he can remember from last night. Everything else is just a blur.

A/N: okay guys I think I'm gonna leave this shitty excuse of a chapter here. I love you all and hope you at least semi-enjoy it. I will definitely try to update sooner tomorrow but it all depends on how priso-I mean school goes. Love you all and remember: you're beautiful no matter what people tell you and always keep fighting!!!! Night fuckers!!!!

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