Chapter 17:

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A/N: Hey guys I'm on a fucking roll. I'm gonna keep updating as much as possible today. I hope you all liked the last chapter. I'm really excited to see where Caranda is going. Let me know what you think please!!! Love you all!! You're all so beautiful and don't let anyone tell you that you're not. Always keep fighting and keep on keepin on. Ugh I fucking love Daddy!!!! So. Goddamn. Much!!!!

Xogr 🖕🏻😘❤️😘🖕🏻

Negan's POV:

I stormed down the hall and saw Simon kneeling over David's body. "Move." I ordered. I had zero tolerance for rape and I sure as hell wasn't gonna stand around with my thumb up my ass and let it happen.

I grabbed David and dragged him down the stairs. He slowly began to wake up and when he realized who I was absolute terror washed over him. I smirked evilly at him and kicked open the front doors.

"How many times do I have to tell you. You. Do. Not. Rape. Women. You are a fucking sick bastard and you will pay for this." I said as I threw him in the gravel.

"P-please don't kill me!! P-please!!" He pleaded. I threw my head back and cackled. "I ain't gonna fuckin' kill you. But I'm gonna fucking emasculate you." I growled.

Fear filled his eyes as I reached down and grabbed him by the throat. A large crowd had formed outside and people were watching what was going on.

"DWIGHT! SIMON! GET THE FUCK OVER HERE AND HOLD HIM DOWN!" I ordered. Soon both men came to my side and had David pinned.

I ripped his pants down and threw them aside. "No please!! I'll do anything!!" He screamed. I shook my head and slowly began pulling his underwear's down.

"Now Davey, I've given one too many chances. I'm not gonna let this shit happen again." I growled as I pulled my knife out. I grabbed his ballsack and with one clean slice I cut it off.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" David screamed in agony. I laughed loudly and threw it to the side. Dwight and Simon let go of David's arms and legs and he immediately grabbed at his crotch.

Tears were streaming down his face and I motioned to Dwight and Simon to take him to the fence. "Now! Let this be a lesson to everyone! We. Do. Not. Rape. Women. We do not rape in general." I yelled. "We have rules for a reason. And if you're stupid enough and you'll try and break those rules...well let's just say you'll end up like Rapey Davey without a nut sack and on the fence." I continued.

People stared at David who was still struggling against Simon and Dwight. I smiled at the display and turned back to go to my room.

Once I was there I immediately entered and saw Carl and Miranda laughing with Judith. "Alright kids, I'm gonna go get changed and then we're gonna go to the beach." I said as I headed to my dresser. I grabbed my swim trunks and headed to the bathroom.

A few minutes later I left the bathroom and we gathered some bags with things we could do at the beach. I held Judith while Carl and Miranda walked in front.

We headed down to the cafeteria to pick up the picnic I had asked be made. Once we grabbed it we headed outside to the trucks.

Carl's POV:

When we got outside I saw David attached to the fence. Blood stained the crotch part of his pants and he was now a walker. He had chains around his shoulders and waist. I smiled at the sight of him. He deserved to die.

When we got to the trucks I saw Simon wearing a hot pink muscle shirt and way too short shorts. He had green sunglasses and zinc on his nose. "BEACH DAY!!!!!" He cheered.

Dwight was standing to the side with shorts on and a T-shirt. He rolled his eyes at Simon's behavior but Miranda and I laughed out asses off.

"Alright guys lets go!" Negan exclaimed. We all jumped in the truck and Judith sat on Negan's lap while Miranda and I sat in the back. Dwight took his bike and Simon drove the truck.

We drove for about an hour and a half. Miranda had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I smiled to myself. I really felt a connection between us even though we only met a few days ago.

We arrived to the beach about 20 minutes later and when we had parked Miranda was still sleeping peacefully on my shoulder. Everyone had exited the truck and it was just me and her.

I brushed a strand of hair that had fallen in her face. My hand lingered on her cheek. I was trying so hard not to kiss her. "Hey uh...we're here." I whispered. She began to stir slightly and when she opened her big green eyes I smiled down at her.

"Hey." She said quietly with a smile. "Hey." I replied. "We're here." I said as I went to get out of the truck.

"Carl...thanks for saving me. You know from David." She said. She looked ashamed almost. As if she were embarrassed about what happened to her. Tears started slowly falling down her face.

"Hey you don't need to thank me. I was just protecting you. I would never let anything like that ever happen to you. I will never let anyone hurt you." I said as I held her face in my hands. She looked up at me, pain in her eyes.

After that everything went in autopilot mode. I leaned forward and kissed her softly. I pulled away, not sure how she's react but to my surprise she kissed me back.

Before it got too heated I pulled away leaving us both breathless. We both quickly faced the window because we heard a loud tapping noise. I saw Negan with a very suggestive smirk on his face. I flipped him off after he stick his tongue out as if he were French kissing someone.

"We should...uh go meet up with them." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. We both blushed and smiled nervously at each other.

We both climbed out of the van and caught up with Negan and the rest. When Negan saw us he had a sly smirk on his face and I just stuck my tongue out at him.

Miranda and I played in the water for a few minutes while Simon tanned in the sun and Dwight stood watch, occasionally splashing in the water. Negan was making a sand castle with Judith and we were all having a great time.

"Hey Carl and Miranda! Why don't you come finish this sand castle while Judith and I go play in the water for a while." Negan shouted from the shore.

Miranda and I got out of the water and finished the sand castle. I found a sea shell that was purple and blue. I thought it looked really cool so I put it in my pocket.

We played at the beach for about five hours and are our lunch and when we were ready to leave Simon was the color of a lobster. "Holy shit Simon. Got a little too much sun huh?" Negan said as he slapped Simon's back.

Simon groaned at the pain and shot Negan a dirty look. Dwight headed back on his bike while we drove back in the truck. Negan drove back this time while Judith fell fast asleep on Simon's lap, despite his complaints of pain he was fine with it.

We got home after another two hour drive and when we got back we were all exhausted. I said goodnight to Miranda and headed off to my room.

"Hey wait, Carl!" Miranda shouted halfway down the hall. I turned back to face her. "I had a really nice time today. I never thought I'd be able to see the beach again. Thank you so much for it."

I smiled at her and slowly approached her. I gave her a small hug and when I went to walk away she gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "Goodnight Miranda." I said with a cheeky grin.

A/N: Hey guys just wanted to say these last two chapters are so fucking cute. I love Caranda's relationship. Let me know if it's going too fast and I'll slow it down a bit. Also thank you Alysha Ray for staying awake to read this. Love you Moose. Always keep fighting and keep on keepin on. Night bitches.

Xogr ❤️😘🖕🏻😘❤️

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