Chapter 20:

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A/N: Hey guys I'm really excited for what I've got planned for this fic. I hope you guys are still enjoying it. I'm sorry I haven't updated my other stories in a while. I think I'm gonna just finish this one the work on the rest after. Anyway love y'all so much. Akf and koko.

Xogr 😘❤️🖕🏻❤️😘

Carl's POV:

After I walked down to Miranda's room and knocked on the door. A few moments later she opened revealing silk pajama shorts and a matching spaghetti strap shirt. It took me every ounce of strength to not look at her.

"H-hey Miranda." I stuttered. Remember what dad said. Be confident. Don't do any of that stuttery shit. I thought to myself.

"Hey, Carl." She said with a small yawn. "What time is it?" She asked. I checked my watch that I had taken from dad before know.

"Umm it's 8:30. Am I interrupting your beauty sleep?" I joked. She gave me a small smile revealing her dimples. God help me. I thought to myself.

"No it's just I normally get up at about 9:30 in the morning. That's normally when my work starts." She said. She moved over and opened the door wider. She motioned for me to come in which I gladly accepted.

"I was wondering if you wanted to take the day off today and hang out with me and Judith." I said as she disappeared into what I assume is the bathroom.

"Umm sure sounds great." She replied. A few seconds later I heard the shower running. Oh shit. This is just what I need. I thought to myself. I didn't want to be rude and leave but I didn't want to just stand there like a creep.

I occupied myself with one of the bookshelves she had in her room. There weren't that many books on it but the ones that were, were pretty big. I picked one out and plopped down on the sofa.

I began reading it and almost forgot Miranda was in the shower still. A few minutes later I heard the door open and saw a NAKED Miranda walk out of the bathroom.

"OH MY GOD!" She screamed as she tried to cover her self. "OH MY GOD! Uh I'm so sorry!" I yelled as I looked away frantically. I felt myself blushing and figured I was the color of a freaking tomato.

I heard a door slam and looked back and saw Miranda had gone back into the bathroom. I tried to take my mind off of the very bad things going on in my downstairs brain with some other books.

I couldn't concentrate so I just began twiddling my thumbs. A few minutes later I heard the bathroom door open again. Miranda came out fully clothed and when we looked at each other we both blushed like crazy.

"Hey...I'm uh sorry about earlier." I apologized. Miranda shook her head and spoke. "No it's not your fault. I guess I kinda forgot you were here. I'm always by myself so you know."

There was an unbearable awkward silence between us until I spoke up. "So uh you wanna head down to my room?"
I didn't realize how bad that sounded until after it came out of my mouth. Before she had time to realize it too I spoke up again.

"I mean not like know we were gonna hang. I mean if you're still up for it." I said nervously running the back of my neck. I was once again mentally kicking myself for acting like a total asshat.

"Uh yeah. Let's go." She said quietly. Bitch nuts. Now it's awkward between us. (Coral inherited bitch nuts from Abraham. Rest In Peace man. ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻). We walked down the hallway in silence and when we entered my room Judith started babbling away.

"Hi baby!" Miranda said in a baby voice. She picked her up and held her on her hip. She looked very beautiful in general but this only made her prettier. Dammit Carl! Keep your shit together. I mentally scolded myself.

We played with Judith for about two hours when Miranda and I started getting a little hungry. She stayed with Judith while I headed down to the cafeteria to get us three lunch.

After I had gotten the lunches I headed upstairs and when I opened the door I saw Judith fast asleep in Miranda's arms. She was singing a lullaby and was rocking her slowly side to side.

I didn't think she heard me come in because she continued like I wasn't there. I set the trays down on the bed and quietly closed the door. Miranda slowly began walking and swaying at the same time. What am I feeling about her? I don't know what this feeling is. I thought to myself as I watched the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen cradle my little sister. Miranda was truly a gift.

She turned around and saw me watching them. I had a smile on my face and it only grew when I saw her try and hide her blush. "Hey, don't hide that. I think you're cute when you blush." I said quietly.

She placed Judith in the crib Negan brought in from his room and walked over to me. "You think I'm cute?" She asked. I nodded my head and said "Absolutely I do." which seemed to only make her blush even more.

She rested her hands on my shoulders and swayed to silence. I began swaying with her and soon we were slow dancing to no music. She rested her head on my shoulder and we were standing still.

"I also think you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're the sweetest and you have a great sense of humor. And your singing voice is angelic." I whispered in her ear.

She looked up at me and leaned in slowly. Before I knew it, her lips were pressed gently on mine. She kissed me and pulled away to see my reaction. I must've surprised her when I kissed her back with more passion.

We were quickly interrupted when a loud knock was at the door. We were both slightly breathless and just stared into each other's eyes. "Come in." I said.

The door opened and Negan sauntered in, Lucille perches on his shoulder as usual. "Hiya son...Miranda. How you kids doin' today?" He asked. He seemed excited about something, I could here it in his voice. Today's run must've gone well.

"We're good. Judith fell asleep a little while ago. And we were just hangin' out now." I answered. I may have answered too quickly because Negan looked at me suspiciously.

"Okay uh Miranda would you care to join us for dinner tonight?" Negan asked. Miranda looked almost like a deer caught in headlights.

"Y-you want me to join y-you guys for dinner?" She asked. Negan smirked at her nervousness. "Of course darlin'. Anyone my boy likes is welcome to come eat dinner with us." Negan said enthusiastic.

She smiled slightly and looked back at me. When I caught her staring at me she blushed and Negan must've noticed it. "Miranda, will you give me and Carl a minute?" Negan asked, motioning to the bathroom for me to follow.

Judith has also just woken up so Miranda could keep herself occupied while she waits.

Once we got into the bathroom Negan immediately looked at me with that shit eating grin. "What?" I asked impatiently. I'm never annoyed with Negan, but I knew where this little "chat" is going.

"What'd ya guys go while I was gone?" He asked with a smirk. I shrugged and said "Not much. We just hung out with Judith and I had just gotten us lunch but we got...distracted I guess."

Negan's expression changed and now he was smiling so wide, it was almost creepy. (Holy crap. You are creepy as shit. Sneakin' up on me, wearin' that collar with that freaky-ass smile.)

"It's not what you think." I said quickly before he could say any snarky Negan comment. "Sure." He said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes so hard they could've popped out of my head. (AHHHH GLENN NO).

A/N: I'm gonna leave this here but I will immediately pick up after I get home from school. Next week's spring break so I'll be updating a lot more. ALSO my aunt's leaving this Wednesday so I'll definitely be updating more. Well...that's the plan anyway. Love you all. Akf and koko. Night bitches.

Xogr 🖕🏻😘❤️😘🖕🏻


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