Chapter 14:

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A/N: Hey guys just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry bout this story goin to shit. It's hard to write a story and try and not fail high school but all while making sure the story is still really good for you guys. I love you all and just keep on keeping' on. Always keeps fighting.

xogr 😘😘

Negan's POV:

"Well...Carl I knew your girlfriend was a bitch but I didn't think she'd come up with something that could get your nut sack clipped." I chuckled as I put a hand on Carl's shoulder. He shrugged slightly and we walked to the main building.

I sat down on one of the plush sofas and Carl sat on the other one. The couch was so comfy I almost forgot we had business to get to. I laid back on the couch and I started dozing off.

I woke up quickly when someone kicked my foot off the sofa. I opened my eyes and saw Carl standing over me. Dwight was standing over in the corner by the door and he looked as anxious as a dog who had to take a piss.

"What'sa matter Dwighty Boy? Gotta go take a piss? Do ya? Who's a good boy?" I teased. Squiggle looked uncomfortable and shook his head no. (Alysha Ray, you'll appreciate that.❤️)

"Speak when you're fuckin' spoken to Dwight." I said sternly. "No sir. We're ready to go back to the Sanctuary." He replied nervously. I smirked and grabbed Lucille off the sofa. I zipped my jacket up and headed out the door towards our bikes.

Maggie was standing by the gates and showed us out with the famous stink eye that's been passed around to those who've been with Rick. I left feeling satisfied with the supplies I had gathered today.

Yup today was a good day and I was gonna go home and screw each and everyone of my wives. I hadn't been able to in a while. And by a while I mean like two days. Which fucking sucks.

We rode home on our bikes and after all the trucks were getting ready to get unloaded I heard six gunshots. I ran towards the shots and Carl followed close behind.

I got to the truck and saw three of my men down and the rest pointing their guns at...Enid? (Okay guys. I'm making Enid do the same thing Coral did when he first came to the Sanctuary. Just please bear with me.)

"Well, well, well. What the fuckity fuck do we have here again?" I asked as I pushed a guy in front of me. It's not that I was scared but cause I didn't wanna fuckin' die. Okay maybe I was a tiny bit scared.

A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry if this chapter is really short. My aunt's in town so my mom wants me to spend "quality time" with the family. My cousin's doing okay now. He's just got a broken pelvis. I just wanted to give you guys something to keep you occupied. I love you all and hope to update a lot sooner than I have been. Always keep fighting and keep on keepin on. You're so beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Xogr 😘😘❤️❤️🖕🏻🖕🏻

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