Chapter 8:

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A/N: GOD JEFF'S NOT EVEN SMILING AND YOU CAN SEE HIS FUCKIN' AWESOME AS FUCK DIMPLES!!!! Anyway I didn't want to leave you hangin' so I'm posting again tonight. I love you all and hope you enjoy!!!

Carl woke up in a bed and saw Negan in a chair next to him. Negan was hunched over with his head in his hands and he sniffled occasionally.

"Why the hell you cryin', you big baby?" Carl asked jokingly. Negan's head shot up and he smiled lightly. He wiped away some tears and chuckled.

"You scared the fuckin' shit outta me, kid!" He chuckled again. Carl laughed and tried to sit up but his shoulder fuckin' hurt like balls. (For all you Bobby Singer fans!)

"No, you need to fuckin' rest son." Negan said as he put his hand on Carl's good shoulder.

"Where the hell you goin'?" Carl asked as Negan stood up. He slipped his leather jacket on and rested Lucille on his shoulder. He walked over to the door and slowly opened it.

Before he left he spoke. "I'm gonna go pay Daddy-Dearest a fuckin' visit. After all, I never got my shit like I was fuckin' promised."

He slipped through the doorway and closed it quietly. Carl heard him go through the big door and he slowly sat up from the bed. Pain shot through his whole body and he groaned as his shoulder throbbed profusely.

Carl got up from the bed and opened the door. He walked down the hallway and stopped in the cafeteria when he saw Simon at one of the tables.


Everything was dark and Rick could only hear voices. He heard Judith coo every once in a while. Gabriel brought her in when he'd check on him.

Rick heard a knock at his door and it squeak open. "Ho-ly she-it!" Rick heard a familiar voice exclaim. He slowly forced his eyes open and saw Negan standing at the foot of his bed with Lucille resting on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Rick. But in my fuckin' defense, you were try'na kill me, but you ended up shooting your son. So it's your fault you're in this bed not mine." He said. Rick laid his head back down on his pillow and closed his eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry 'bout your little lady friend too. I wouldn't have killed her if she wasn't about to go all fuckin'
samuri on me." He added.

Tears came to Rick's eyes but he managed to choke out "Carl. Is he..."

"He's fine." Negan said, answering Rick before he could finish. Rick rested his head against the pillow and faced away from Negan.

Rick heard the door slowly creak open and he turned his head to see Carl standing in the doorway with red, tear stained cheeks.

Carl ran over to Rick's bedside and threw himself on his chest. Rick grunted in pain and Carl quickly pulled back. "Dad...I'm so sorry..." He cried.

"I'll give you two a minute." Negan said as he left the room. Leaving Carl and Rick alone. Their first time being alone for the first time in almost a month.

Rick put his hand to the back of Carl's head and kissed his forehead. "I am so proud of you son. For everything you've done. I want you to know that. I love you so much, son." He said weakly.

"I promise I'll take care of Judith. I'll make sure she's okay. I promise. I love you so much, dad. I'm so sorry." Carl was sobbing at this point and he didn't hold back at all.

He rested his head against Rick's shoulder and just cried. They stayed like that for about 5 minutes then Rick's breathing got heavier and more labored.

"It's time, son." Rick said gasping for breath.

"No! Please you can't go!! Not yet dad!! I need you! I need you! Please dad! Please!!" Carl pleaded, his tears coming faster. Rick took Carl's hand in his and whispered quietly "Goodbye, Carl."

Carl watched Rick close his eyes and sighed as his soul left his body. "NOOOO!!!" Carl screamed. He grabbed Rick's shoulder and shook his limp body vigorously.

Negan walked in and placed a hand on Carl's shoulder. "It's okay, son." He said quietly.

Carl turned and wrapped his arms around Negan's waist. He put his hand on Carl's head as he cried harder into his leather coated chest.

Carl slowly pulled away and stood up. He grabbed the knife from his pocket and slowly approached Rick's lifeless body. He rubbed the side of Rick's head before slowly sticking his knife in his temple.

Carl shuddered as He pulled the knife from Rick's head and tears silently fell as Carl pulled the blankets over his body.

A/N: Hey guys, this chapter absolutely killed me to write. I hated every bit of it and I just want you to know it might get better...don't get your hopes up though. It looks like it might get a little worse. Just remember if it gets too much just look at the flowers. I love you all and hope you have a great week!!! Always keep fighting and remember how incredibly sexy Jeffrey Dean Morgan is. Night bitches!!!!

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