Chapter 2:

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A/N: Hey guys I know that's not a pic of Coral and Negan but I cannot stop laughing at it!! I'll try and make my chapters a little longer but it's all for you guys!! Once again let me know if the characters are out of line and I'll change them as quick as possible. *Warning some language.

"I need to get on the kid's good side." Negan said to Dwight. "He can stay here and I can give him a safer life here. More than I can say for Prick." he continued.

"I can take care of him if you want, Sir. I'll make sure he knows who's boss." Dwight said.

Negan smirked at him and said "Why don't you take the day off, D?"

Dwight looked uncomfortable and Negan laughed. "Oh come on Dwight! You can fuck whoever you want. Except you already know not my wives." He chuckled. Dwight looked down at his shoes. "Dwighty-Boy! I'm givin' you a ticket to Pussy-City and you're not gettin' the least bit excited?!" Negan yelled.

"I know my favorite part of the day is gettin' to screw one of my wives' brains out. That shit gets me hard as a rock! I mean COME on man!!" he cackled.

Dwight shifted his weight from foot to foot and continued looking down. "Speak when you're spoken to!" Negan ordered. "'s not cause that guy...uh bit you is it?" Negan asked.

"I mean he did clomp down pretty hard. Are you okay down there or are you...down for the count?"

Negan leaned down to Dwight's crotch and yelled "ARE YOU OKAY DOWN THERE LITTLE BUDDY?!?!"

Dwight quickly stepped back from his face. "NO! I'm fine! I just enjoy working okay?!" he snapped.

"Great answer my man! I always knew you were worth keepin' around!" Negan laughed. Dwight smiled at Negan uncomfortably.

"Why don't you have the cook make me and Carl some spaghetti. And make sure the boy is ready for dinner soon." Negan ordered.
A/N: I know Negan made Carl spaghetti at Alexandria but bear with me in this it's all for the story.

"We're on Easy Street. And it feels so swee-" the song was cut off and the cell door opened. "Get up" Dwight said. He grabbed Carl's plus one bicep (For all you Jacksepticeye fans) and led him down the hallway and through a set of double doors.

When they walked through a small living room area Carl saw Negan sitting at a table with two plates piled high with spaghetti and a basket of bread.

"Carl!" he exclaimed. "Glad you could make it to dinner!" He continued. "Care to join me?" Carl didn't move an inch and shook his head.

"Well come on now before it gets cold." He chuckled.

"I'm not hungry." Carl said flatly. He saw Negan slowly reach for Lucille, but before he grabbed her, Carl sat down at the table.

He smiled and began eating his spaghetti. Carl just stared at him and eventually he broke the silence when he asked "Can I just go home?"

Negan put his fork down and sat back in his chair and chuckled.

"Listen son, you shoot two of my men, I take you in. Not to mention I made you spaghetti. And you wanna fuckin' leave this sanctuary? This safe haven? Without even saying 'thank you'? No." He said.

His smile slowly left his face when he saw Carl wasn't going to listen. "You are going to eat that fucking spaghetti and you are going to enjoy it like a good noodle!" He growled.

"Fuck you." Carl said as he grabbed his fork.

He began shoveling the spaghetti in his mouth and tried to be as impolite as possible. Carl grabbed a piece of bread and leaned back in his chair. He put his dirty boots in the table and continued to eat his bread.

Negan looked at Carl in shock but a small smirk formed on his face. "It's rude to stare. Didn't your mommy and daddy teach you manners?" Carl snapped.

Negan chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "I don't see my feet on the fuckin' table. I'm not chewin' with my mouth fuckin' wide open. I have goddamn manners." He chuckled again.

Negan sat across from Carl and just looked at him, chuckling. Carl went to stand up but Negan pointed Lucille at him. He froze mid-stand.

"Sit back down, son" Negan said, they both stared at each other in silence.

Negan stood his ground and finally spoke "I can't do it. It's like talkin' to a birthday present. I wanna see what grandma got me." Carl looked at Negan with a confused expression.

"Take your bandages off son." Negan said. Carl's expression went serious.

"DO NOT give me that stupid ass stink-eye Carl!" Negan snapped. "Your Daddy does that to me all the time and it's annoying as shit." he grinned when Carl took his hat off.

Negan reached for the hat and put it on his head. "Howdy y'all! I'm Sheriff Prick!"
He laughed at his own childish behaviour and Carl slowly removed the bandages from his face. (A/N: I just realised that Negan's face was on Woody's body for the chapter pic! I'm laughing so hard! Okay back to the story!)

"Almost there!" Negan said, his voice filled with excitement. When the bandages were completely removed it revealed a dark red hole where his eye would have been.

"Oh FUCK! ThAt Is GrOsS aS BaLlS!!" Negan yelled

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"Oh FUCK! ThAt Is GrOsS aS BaLlS!!" Negan yelled. "No wonder you cover that shit up! I wanna touch it!" He said. Carl put his head down and hid his eye from Negan.

"DO NOT fucking cover that shit up, son. It may not score well with the ladies but that certainly shows you're a little bad ass! Hot damn! That shit is rad as hell!" Negan yelled with a cackle.

Carl stood up and walked over to the window that showed the outside world. Negan heard him gasp and Negan stood up and walked over to where he was.

A/N: sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger. I know I fucking hate those too but it has to be done!!! I hope you're enjoying the fic so far!! Have a great day and I'll post more later!!

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