Chapter 12:

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A/N: hey guys!!! I think I've gotten my mojo back!!! Somebody stole it...ahem...Alysha Ray...ahem. God I should really get that cough looked at. Anyway I'm really excited to continue writing this fic! I know I've been including Lucille in it a lot more but I just thought it would only be right considering they are in Negan's old stomping grounds. It is still focusing on Coral and Negan's relationship and it will get more in depth with the chapters to come. Love you all!!!


Negan's POV:

"Stay here." I said to Carl, who was getting ready to jump out the truck too. He nodded and I closed the door. I walked to the doors of the abandoned building and tried to open it.

It was locked but fortunately the window was broken so I reached in and unlocked it. I swung it open and banged on the door like Carl did to make sure I was safe to go in. When a couple walkers stumbled towards me I bashed their brains in with Lucille.

I let out a chuckle and mumbled "Fuck you guys." I continued my journey down the halls until I came upon a familiar hallway. I turned down it and made my way to a door.

I slowly opened it but found it empty. Tears slowly filled my eyes as I stepped in. The last time I was here I saw my wife, so frail and sick, lying in that bed. I walked over to it and pulled the covers all the way off.

Believe it or not it still kinda smelled like her. This only made the tears fall. I sat down on the bed and pulled the blankets to my nose. I breathed in her smell as if it's a life source.

I began sobbing loudly and I heard raspy breathing. A door creaked open and I turned and saw where it came from.

My heart dropped and I lost it. I couldn't control my sobs. I looked at my wife. She was standing in her hospital gown, her hair thin and her skin pale. Her eyes were sunken and her skin was down to the bone.

I slowly stood up and she began stumbling towards me. I grabbed Lucille (the bat) and took a swing. She fell to the ground but she wasn't dead. I cried as I continued swinging. Even when it was just the bat continually hitting the ground I kept swinging.

I stopped fighting the tears and I fell to my knees as the blood began pooling around what was once my wife's head. I sat there and cried for a good 10 minutes.

When I didn't have any tears left I stood up and gained my composure. I perched Lucille on my shoulder and hovered over the corpse on the ground.

I grabbed the hospital blankets and wrapped them around her body. I picked her up and placed her on the bed. I wasn't sure if I wanted her to be at the Sanctuary.

I just couldn't wake up everyday knowing she was there. I shook all the thoughts from my mind and my body was just doing everything on its own. I walked towards the bed and picked up the body.

I rested it over my other shoulder and walked down the hallways. I stopped at the checkout counter and saw mine and Lucille's names written in my hand writing on the list.

I cringed at the thought and continued walking out. I opened the bed of the truck and set her in it. I closed it and jumped in the truck. Carl must've known what happened because he just looked at me and nodded.

I started the truck and we began our journey home.

Carl's POV:

Negan's cheeks were tear stained and red. His eyes were red and he'd clearly been crying. I figured it was a hospital we went too. Judging by the way t looked and the windows on all seven stories. I knew what he did in there and I didn't want to pry so I just left it alone. We drove home in silence until about half way.

I reached into the glove box and pulled out a Johnny Cash CD and put it in the CD player. I turned the dial up and music filled the truck and I rolled the windows down.

Negan began singing along and I followed suit. We continued driving home and when we arrived Simon opened the gate and was doing his usual ass kissing.

Negan was not having any of it and he sternly gave Simon orders to dig a grave by the garden in the back.

"What happened?" Simon stupidly asked. "We found some traveler on the road. They were bit and asked if we could put them down before they could turn." I quickly said, knowing Negan's wound was still fresh. I mean imagine going back and killing your wife.

Negan gave me a great full look of appreciation and I smiled tightly at him. He began walking to the main building and I followed him after he went through the doors.

He walked down the hall and I didn't think he knew I was following him because when he got to his room he opened it and closed it behind him.

I walked up to the door and was about to knock when I heard loud sobs coming from the other side. I wanted to give him space and mourn his wife but I wanted to comfort him. He was there for me when dad died. I have to be there for him. I turned and walked outside and collected my bag from our trip.

Negan's POV:

I heard a soft knock at the door but I ignored it. After the second knock I got up and opened it. My eyes were cloudy from crying and my cheeks were wet. I saw Carl standing there with a bag on his shoulder.

"Hey kid." I said with a smile. "What're you up to?" I asked, trying to engage.

"Oh just gettin' drunk with you." He said as he held up a bottle of Jack Daniels 1800. My favorite. I smiled wider and let him in. I wiped the fresh tears from my cheeks and sat down on the sofa. He sat across from me and poured two glasses.

He handed one to me and held the other in his hand. He held it up and I raised mine too. "I don't know what the fuck we're toasting too but whatever it is I'll drink to it." I said with a chuckle.

"Here's to new beginnings. New chapters. Fresh starts." Carl said as he threw his head back and took a swig from the glass. I did the same and put my glass down when it was empty.

Carl leaned forward and filled both of our glasses again. "We need to go on a run in about a week or so and I was wondering if you wanted to tag along." I said. Carl looked up at me and smiled.

"If it means I get to leave this shithole for a little and stretch my legs I'm game." He joked. I gave him a fake offended look and we both laughed.

"I thought you fucking liked this shithole!" I played along. We both continued drinking through the night and thoughts of Lucille faded away...until I went to sleep.

I had another nightmare about her. I woke up covered in sweat and felt sick to my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and threw up all of my stomach's contents.

I went back to sleep and had a very realistic nightmare about Carl. It was so surreal that I woke up in tears. I dreamt about him getting bit and I couldn't do anything to save him. I started sobbing at the thought of losing him.

I cared about him too much to lose him. He's my son. Even if he didn't come from me, he's my son. I love him too much to lose him.

My sobs got louder when I thought that if I lost him I would have lost everyone I've ever loved. I lost Lucille and I couldn't lose him. "What's wrong?" Carl asked with a groggy voice. He just woke up and was still like half asleep.

"Nothing son. Just go back to bed."
I said as I put a hand on his shoulder. He went to bed about 5 minutes later and I soon fell asleep after. I woke up the next morning and Carl wasn't in the room.

I began panicking. What if my nightmares came true? I thought to myself. I was just about to go out of the room and look for him when the door opened and there stood Carl with a tray full of two big breakfasts.

A/N: Hey guys I'm gonna leave this here. To be honest this chapter was kinda just a filler. I know it's not as good as the rest and it's not as funny but whatever. I love you all so much and I'll try and post tomorrow. You're all beautiful and don't forget it. Always keep fighting!! Night bitches.


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