Chapter 11:

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A/N: Hey guys I just wanna say thank you for all of your guys' support. I know I've said it before but I actually mean it. Writing for you guys is one of my favourite parts of the day!!! Thanks for all the reads! I mean 126 fucking eyeballs!!!!! HELL YEAH!!! You guys should watch the video above it's fucking great!! I love you all and we've gone a long way with this story. I also want to take a moment to honor my great Uncle Bob. He passed away today. I may not have been close with him but I've lost a lot of family recently. I love you all so much and hope you have a great rest of your week. You're all beautiful inside and out. Always remember that. Don't ever fucking forget. Please. Don't.

Carl's POV:

"Negan?!" I shouted, snapping his attention back. "Oh fuck. Sorry kid. Spaced the fuck out for a second there." Negan apologised.

"Well it must've been a good memory by the look on your face." I said with a chuckle. "It was." He said quietly with a small smile.

"Can we play now?" I asked with a queue stick in my hand. I had one hand on my hip and he chuckled.

"You look sassy as fuck, kid." Negan said as he walked over to me. I shot him a fake 'fuck you' look and he laughed even harder. He grabbed another queue stick and began racking the balls up.

I went over to the bar and filled out glasses up with bourbon. I carried them over and Negan was already getting ready to break.

With a swift jerk of his arm all the balls went flying into different directions. I set his drink down on the edge of the table. I took a quick swig of my drink and watched as he adjusted his position. (A/N: okay guys if your minds are as fucking dirty as mine you're all probably thinking the same thing I'm thinking. I know I can't be the only fucking one with their mind in the gutter!!)

"So you gonna tell me what you were thinkin' about. I mean it had do be something 'cause I could tell you were gettin' a little excited from it. They had to be pretty happy thoughts." I said, adding emphasis on happy.

Negan let out a small...giggle? He sat up straight and stared at me with a suggestive smirk. I looked at him with a confused look on my face.

He moved his eyebrows up and down and I immediately understood what he meant. I just so happened to be resting half my body on the table because I was getting ready to take a shot.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!" I screamed. "ON THE FUCKING POOL TABLE?!?!" Negan burst out laughing and did his famous lean.

"I was wondering what that one stain was from. But you could have fucking told me before my face was like 2 inches from it! Asshole." I said jokingly.

Negan's POV:

We finished our game of pool and we drank for a little while longer. I set up some beds for us to sleep on and Carl almost immediately passed out. "G'night, son." I said, knowing he'd probably already fallen asleep.

"Goodnight, Dad." He mumbled. My heart hurt badly. I didn't want to say anything to hurt him and it had been the first time anyone had ever called me dad.

I felt even guiltier because I knew he thought I was Rick. I mean he was drunk and everyone sounds the exact same when you're drunk. I slowly drifted off to sleep reminiscing about the old memories that rested here.

I missed Lucille. So goddamn much. I wish I could go back in time and do what was right. Then I knew what I was gonna do tomorrow.

"Fuck yeah!!" I cheered. I had just scored another point and I one the ping pong match.

"Negan. Watch your language." A voice said behind me. I turned and saw Lucille standing there with her arms folded over her chest.

"What it's just a friendly game. It's not like I was betting their damn college savings." I said pointing to the group of kids.

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