He gets you back

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Today you were alone in Jasper, Nevada since you had convinced Smokescreen to drive you there.

You were currently in the park watching the birds in the trees as you thought about Breakdown.

Meanwhile Breakdown was driving around Jasper when he saw a fimillar human girl with S/t skin and H/l H/c hair.

Breakdown parked and activated his holoform just in case it wasn't you.

You heard someone walking behind you so you turned around and saw Breakdown's holoform.

"Breakdown!" You said as you ran and tackled Breakdown in a hug.

"Y/n, I was wondering what had happened to you." Breakdown said.

"There's no need to worry, I'm alive and well." You said.

"That's good, now we can go back." Breakdown said.

Once you were back on the Nemesis you decided to have a talk with Knockout and Breakdown.

"I'm honestly ashamed of both of you for choosing a leader who not only doesn't care about his people but would want to destroy other planets." You said sternly.

"But Y/n." Breakdown said.

"No if ands or buts, you both need to think about the things you both have done!" You said angrily.

"Alright, we will." Knockout and Breakdown said.

"Good....now.....tell me what I've missed while I was gone." You said.

Knockout and Breakdown told you about what had been happening on the Nemesis for the past three weeks.

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