Your daughters' first periods

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Alice and Valentina are twelve years old now


It was a lovely Saturday afternoon and Breakdown, Alice and Valentina were waiting for you to come home from work.

Breakdown was outside drinking a cube of energon while Alice and Valentina were inside the house.

Breakdown suddenly heard two screams from inside so he quickly activated his holoform and ran to Alice and Valentina's bedroom.

"What's wrong?" Breakdown asked Alice and Valentina.

"We're bleeding!" Alice cried.

"We have our periods!" Valentina sobbed.

"Uh.....there'll live." Breakdown said as he tried to calm Alice and Valentina down.

"I wasn't ready to bleed to death!" Valentina wailed.

"You aren't going to bleed to death." Breakdown reassured Valentina.

"You don't have to go through it." Valentina said as she continued to cry.

"That's true, but I've been there for your mother when she has her's." Breakdown said.

"Yeah, mom told us about the time she had gotten it while living on the Nemesis." Alice smirked.

"Of course she did." Breakdown mumbled.

Breakdown then went to get some aspirin and a couple of glasses of water along with some chocolate chip cookies.

"Here, you'll need these." Breakdown said as he handed Alice and Valentina the bottle of aspirin, the glasses of water and the cookies.

"Thanks." Alice said as she cried.

" you two have......something to catch the blood?" Breakdown asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, mom told us what to do." Valentina said after she took some aspirin.

Breakdown then had to deal with the crying and mood swings of both of his daughters.

When you got home you saw Breakdown's holoform sitting on the couch.

"What happened?" You asked Breakdown when you saw the look on his face.

"Alice and Valentina got their periods." Breakdown said.

"Are they okay?" You asked Breakdown.

"Yeah, they're fine." Breakdown said.

"Are you okay?" You asked Breakdown as you sat next to him.

"I'll be fine." Was all Breakdown said.

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