You die

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Knockout had managed to get Ratchet to help him bring a Cybertronian femme's body, and the supplies to transfer you to the femme's body, to Earth when Breakdown had called him.

Ratchet had asked Bumblebee to use the med bay at the scrap yard, and of course Bee had said yes.

You were laying on a bed in the med bay as you waited to die.

"B-Breakdown." You said in a raspy voice.

"Yes Y/n?" Breakdown asked you as he activated his holoform.

"B-Breakdown....promise me that you won't be too sad when I'm gone?" You asked Breakdown quietly.

"I-I'll try." Breakdown said as he sat next to the bed you were on.

"'ve givin me the best years of my life, I'm glad I saved you from that nasty spider femme." You said as you tried to smile.

"I'm glad too Y/n, I love you, with all my spark." Breakdown said as he kissed your forehead.

"I love you too Breakdown...
..g-goodbye." You said as you closed your eyes for the last time.

Your breathing slowed down and your body soon went limp.

"Knockout, please hurry." Breakdown told Knockout.

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