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Today you and Breakdown were finally getting married.

You oddly enough weren't nervous, but Breakdown was.

Some of your extended family had come to the wedding, you didn't tell them that you were marrying a Cybertronian though.

Your mom and aunt were helping you get ready while your dad and uncle were helping Breakdown.

"How do I look?" You asked when you got your veil on.

"You look beautiful." Your mom said.

"Thanks, I just hope he's okay." You said.

"It's time." Your younger cousin said as she came in.

"Thanks." You replied.

"Y/n, you look beautiful." Your dad said when he saw you.

"Thanks, how's Breakdown?" You whispered to your dad.

"He's actually really nervous." Your dad said.

When you got to the aisle you saw Breakdown waiting for you by your grandfather, who was the priest.

The music started playing and your father walked you down the aisle.

Once you were at the altar your dad sat in the front row with your mom.

The priest began the ceremony before you and Breakdown said your wedding vows.

After the vows you and Breakdown put on each other's rings before you both were pronounced husband and wife.

Breakdown then cupped your cheeks in his hands and passionately kissed you.

You heard cheers and pictures being taken, and you heard a few of you younger cousins go ewww.

After you pulled away from the kiss you threw your banquet and one of your other cousins caught it.

You all then went to the reception where you and Breakdown cut your wedding cake.

You smashed some cake on Breakdown's face and he did the same with you.

You and Breakdown then cut and served everyone else a slice of cake.

After the cake your older cousin, who was a DJ, started playing one of your favorite slow dance songs.

"May I have this dance?" Breakdown asked you.

"Yes, you may." You replied as you and Breakdown started dancing.

"You're so beautiful tonight Y/n." Breakdown said.

"Thank you, you're looking very handsome tonight." You said.

"Thanks." Breakdown said as you two danced.

After the dancing was done you and Breakdown got into his alt mode and drove to your honeymoon.


The aisle

Your wedding rings

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Your wedding rings

Breakdown's tux and your dress

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Breakdown's tux and your dress

Breakdown's tux and your dress

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Your banquet and the wedding cake

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Your banquet and the wedding cake

Your banquet and the wedding cake

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The song you and Breakdown danced to

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The song you and Breakdown danced to

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