Finding out the gender and something else

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Today you and Breakdown were going to find out the gender of your baby.

Breakdown had driven to the hospital you worked at since you had scheduled your own appointment.

Once Breakdown got to the hospital he activated his holoform and went in.

"Hey Y/n." Breakdown said as he walked towards the front desk.

"Hey Breakdown, are you ready?" You asked Breakdown.

"More than anything." Breakdown replied.

You and Breakdown went to the room where you would be getting your ultrasound.

"Hello there Y/n, I take it this is your husband?" The doctor asked you.

"Yes, he is." You replied.

"Alright now Y/n, just lay on this table and lift your shirt up please." The doctor said.

You did as the doctor asked you and she put gel on your belly.

Breakdown could tell that you were nervous so he held your hand.

After a few moments you and Breakdown looked at the screen.

"Well congratulations, you both are having twins." The doctor said.

"Can you tell what the genders are?" Breakdown asked the doctor.

"Lets looks like they are both girls." The doctor said after a few minutes.

After the appointment ended and your shift was over you and Breakdown went home.

Once you both got home you and Breakdown cuddled on your bed.

"Twin girls, I can't believe it." Breakdown said.

"Is that a good thing?" You asked Breakdown.

"Yes, although it looks like I'll need to polish my hammer." Breakdown said.

You were happy that Breakdown was happy about having twin daughters, although you already felt bad for any boys who would try and take them on dates in high school.

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