First 'I love you'

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Today you were angry because one of the newer Eradicons kept insulting you while he was in the med bay getting fixed by Knockout.

You had been chatting with Knockout since Breakdown was on a mission until the Eradicon came into the med bay with an injured arm.

The Eradicon then said that he would be a better lover for Breakdown then you were.

You then snapped and grabbed the smallest, sharpest medical tool you could find and you stabbed the Eradicon in his nanite reserves.

You then stormed into Breakdown's berthroom and waited for him to get back.

Once Breakdown did get back Knockout told him what had happened so he rushed to his berthroom where he found you on your bed crying.

Breakdown activated his holoform and rushed to your bedroom and sat on your bed with you.

"Knockout told me what happened." Breakdown said.

"B-Breakdown.....would you prefer a Cybertroinian lover over me?" You asked Breakdown.

"No, of course not." Breakdown said.

"Why?" You asked Breakdown.

"Because......I love you." Breakdown said.

"Y-you do?" You asked Breakdown.

"Yes, don't ever forget that." Breakdown said as he hugged you.

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