He proposes

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You had gotten off of work early and when you came home you saw Breakdown's holoform waiting for you.

You parked your car and got out and walked over to Breakdown.

Breakdown held your hand as the two of you went for a walk.

You noticed that Breakdown looked really nervous and you were starting to panic.

Suddenly Breakdown stopped walking and stood in front of you before he got on one knee and pulled out a box from his pocket.

When Breakdown opened the box you felt tears well up in your eyes when you saw the engagement ring.

"Y/n, when I first met you I thought that you were just like every other human on Earth, but as I got to know you I knew that you were different, you're smart, beautiful, kind and you proved to me that not all humans are bad, F/n, M/n, L/n, will you marry me?" Breakdown asked you.

"Yes Breakdown, I will marry you!" You cried as Breakdown put the engagement ring on your ring finger.

Breakdown then stood up and you kissed him deeply.


The ring box and your engagement ring

The ring box and your engagement ring

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