birthday girlllll

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Arianna's POV

It manii's birthday she is 6 years old today rn its 6:30 I'm about to go wake the kids up for school Montana did stay the night last night he's asleep down in the guest "Send manii up when she's done getting dressed" Kimetrius said "ok" I said. I walked down stairs and made the kids breakfast fast and set it out.

I always make there breakfast and set it out before i wake them up. Cause it makes things easier i went in the kids room and turned the hallway light on and walked to manii's room "maniiiiiii" I said as I shook her "birthday girl" I said she moved and flipped over "goodmorning" I said "goodmorning" she said

"Happy birthday" I said to her 'thank you" she said. I let her off the bed and went and seen the boys "Aiden" I said as I turned the light on. "Aidennnnnn" I said as I went and shook him "hmmm" he moaned "come on it's time to get ready for school" I said "Okay" he said he got up I walked out and manii was walking back into her room.

I went out and she still had half a waffle left so I went back in and helped her get dressed then did her hair. "Mommy my tooth is loose" she said "let me see" I said she opened her mouth and moved her tooth with her tongue "ouu" I said as I seen it move it was hanging. "Who do you want to help take your tooth out.

"Aiden" she said "ok" I said as I grabbed the floss "Aiden come here" I said "yes" he said "go grab your bow and arrow nerf gun"i said I tried the string around her tooth then aiden came in with the gun. I tied the string around the end of the dart and put it in the gun "alright aiden shoot it" I said aiden pulled the thing back then let it go.

"It came out" manii said jumping up and down. She went and found her tooth and I grabbed my phone and took her picture and posted it on Instagram

Itsaribitch: The birthday girl is up and loosing teeth thanks to Aiden (dont worry it was a safe way we tied a piece of floss to her tooth and the other end to a nerf gun and the other end to a bullet and let aiden shoot it)

Liked bye: Lilskies, Stockely, Jackjack,bosnigga56, and 55,000 others


Ybncordae: happy birthday

Ybnarnica: @itsaribitch when did that happened ??

Itsaribitch: girl I dont even fucking no

YbnManny: Happy birthday princess❤

For some reason cordae has been commenting on my shit like like onna daily but yeah "manii go see daddy" I said "For what" she said "He wants to see you" I said she jumped down of the island and ran upstairs. And I helped aiden and Jordan finish getting ready. "Alright go get in the car" I said "ok" Jordan said as he got off the island.

Aiden followed him. I walked upstairs and into the room and manii was hugging Kimetrius while he talked to her "I love you baby" he said kissing her forehead "I love you to daddy" she said "Ight go have a good day at school" he said she kissed his cheek then got up "you ready' I asked "yeah" she said "ight come on" I said

We walked downstairs and out the door. I put her in the car and drove to the school. We got to the school and a teacher came and grabbed the kids I said bye to them and drove back to the house. Its Friday so were celebrating this weekend for maniis birthday. She wants to go to a place called Gravity it's a trampoline place.

She wants to go se that's what were gonna do. I want Starbucks but I dont at the same time I dont. I grabbed my phone and called Kimetrius 3 times till he answered me.



Hi Arianna

What are you doing


Do you want something from starbucks??

Get me 2 cake pops

that's it?

Yeah hurry up cause I miss you

Okay im coming

I love you

I love you to


went to Starbucks and got our stuff and went back to the house I went inside and upstairs when I got in the room Kimetrius was knocked out still "baby" I said as I kicked my shoes off and put my drink on the bed side table " baby" I said climbing on the bed. He didn't move so I sat there looking at him.

"Babbbbyyyyy wake up" I said as I got close to his face I kissed him 3 times nothing "baby" I said kissing him again.

Kimetrius POV

I'm lowkey awake I'm just messing with her she's kissing all over my face trying to get me to wake up "Babbbbyyyyy" she whined as she shook me I didn't move. I felt her get close to me I opened my eye a little bit and she was getting under the blanket .

She layed down next to me and sighed as she traced the tattoo on my chest then she pulled herself closer to me. She kissed me "Daddy wake up" she said she wrapped her legs around me "Daddy wake up" she said kissing me again. I finally moved and opened my eyes "Finally you wake up" she said "mom now I'm horny" she said "your always horny" I said.

"No I'm not" she said "Yes you are" I said " ok maybe I am but you dont got no room to talk" she laughed "there ain't nothing wrong with that tho" I said  I rolled over bringing her on top of me "here" she said as she passed me the bag with my food in it "I only asked for 2 how many did you get" I asked.

She grabbed one while scrolling threw her phone "20" she said "damn" I said she laughed we sat there for a little while eating and she scrolled threw her phone "What do u want for your birthday" I asked "I wanna go to Puerto Rico and see everything" she said "I'm just playin it would be nice but that's alot but I dont want anything" she said

I looked at her "your getting something" I said "You no what I want" she said as she turned her phone off and threw it to the side  "What" i said "You" she said as layed on my chest "You already have me" I said "Exactly" she said "Look I'm getting you something and your gonna like it" I said "Ugh fine" she said I smiled and she sat up.

"Go get dressed" I said "Whyyyy" she said "Cause I said so" I said "But I'm tired" she said "go to sleep then" I said. She got off of me and layed to the side of me and I turned the tv on and she went to sleep and I fell asleep right after her

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