Its literally 7:30 in the morning and Masons awake screaming I've giving him medicine for his teeth I've giving him a teething ring and orajel and it's not working kimetrius rolled over "say it I'll slap you" I said he put his hand up in defence "he'll shut up he dont feel good" kimetrius said
I looked at Mason who was all sweaty from crying and running a fever. I sat up and picked him up I pulled my braw down and Mason stoped crying "see" kimetrius said "shut up" I said "this is the last time i cant do this no more he needs to lean off this shit" I said "why you Spazzing out about it baby" kimetrius said.
"Cause kimetrius he cant be 4 and still be breastfeeding" I said "who said all that" kimetrius said I sat there until Mason bit me. I picked him up and sat him on the bed. "Mommy" he said as he started crying again. "I just wanna sleep" I said as I started crying "Mason find yo chill" kimetrius said giving him his pacifier.
Mason stoped crying arnica came in the room "bestfriend what's wrong" she said "I'm just stressed out" I said "well imma take Mason for a while "ok" I said she picked up Mason walking out of the room. I dropped my head into my hand rubbing my temples. I was felt Kimetrius grab my waist.
He pulled me over to him and I layed my head on his chest he asked me a question but I was so tired I fell asleep.
Kianas POV Everyone's still sleeping Trey and Jazz are sleeping Koby and Josiah are sleep Jack jack and Kyrien and Ramerio. I just woke up and started cleaning the house. Ramerio has to work today. So he has to be up in about 10 minutes to get ready. So um yeah I'm currently watching Grey's Anatomy cause I'm bored.
"Baby" I said shaking him "ramerio" I said "hmm" he said "get up you gotta get ready for work" I said he rolled over getting up. He went into the closet and I got kyriens diaper bag cause imma take him to work. He came out buttoning up his shirt he put his Louie Vouitton belt on and grabbed his phone and charger "you ready" I asked "yeah" he said wiping his eyes.
We went downstairs and I went and grabbed Kyrien away from jack. I put him in his carseat buckling him up. We went to the car and got buckled in and stuff. I pulled out of the drive way driving to the mall "what time do you get out" I asked "5:30" he said "ok" I said as I pulled up to the mall.
He leaned over "i love you" he said "I love you to" i said "shit kyrien gets his shots today" ramerio said "go I'll take him" I said he kissed me twice then got out shutting the door I rolled the window down "bye fatty" I said "bye baby" he said I pulled off and drove back to the house. I gave kyrien a bath then got him dressed.
Natasha is going with me to get his shots rn me and her about to go get food before we go "wheres ramerio" she asked "work" I said "where does he work at" she said "Louie Vouitton" I said "oh shit" she said we pulled up to chick fil a and went in she took Kyrien out of his carseat "Stand him up imma take his picture" I said
She stood him up and I took his picture and posted it on Instagram
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