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1 month later

Kiana's POV
So Miah and JaKobe are at school and Latrell came and got Kyrien for a lil while and currently me and ramerio are taking London to get her ears pierced cause shes 1 month now. Kaiden was gonna come with us but his mom came back in town and he had to go get her I'm not tripping at all cause he did tell me before hand that his mom was coming along with his sister I'm taking London over after she gets her ears pierced for a little bit but she isn't spending the night.

I told him before that she wasn't staying the night until he stops smoking in the house cause the smell in the house is so strong sometimes that it's not funny. So he hasn't had her for the night unless he came and stayed the night at my house. "Ain't this the place right here" Ramerio asked pointing "yep" I said as we walked into the store the place is inside the mall "Hello how can we help you today" a guy asked coming from the back "were here to get here ears pierced" I said pointing at London

"OK" he said walking over to us I unbuckled her and ramerio took her from me sitting in the chair "awe shes cute" he said "thank you" i said "OK right now I'm just gonna mark her ears to show where the earrings gonna go to be sure there even" he said "OK" ramerio said he marked bot of her ears "Mom does that look OK" he asked I looked at her while standing in front of her "yeah" I said "OK I need you to pick the earring" he said. I looked at the thing of baby earrings "the gold diamond stud" I said "OK" he said he grabbed them.

"OK dad I need you to kinda like hold her head to to your chest" he said to ramerios as he helped him  "OK" he said he grabbed a alcohol pad and washed her ear. "OK ready 1.2.3" he said pushing the thing into her ear. She didn't really cry all she did was jump "OK so her next ear she night cry cause that's her sensitive ear" he said ramerio turned her head holding it as he cleaned it "OK ready 1.2.3" he said he pushed it in and she started crying he moved away and ramerio picked her up normally "it's OK momma"  he said letting her back "its OK" he said. "Now it's your turn" I said looking at ramerio

"Huh" he said "come on get em pierced"  I said taking London "fine" he said he showed witch ones he wanted and they marked his ears "the right one looks kind of down to far" I said "OK" he said he fixed it "that's better" I said he grabbed the things that had the earring in them as I sat down taking London picture.

"Huh" he said "come on get em pierced"  I said taking London "fine" he said he showed witch ones he wanted and they marked his ears "the right one looks kind of down to far" I said "OK" he said he fixed it "that's better" I said he grabbed the thi...

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Kaiser23: We did it Mrs. London finally got her ears pierced she only cried for a minute but she did it 😍

Liked bye: Itsaribitch, Treybae, Merio45, ianrogers, Kordell38, NbaYoungboy, Josiah67, PonchoBrown, BodKaiden, LilSkies, officialskunky,Lilpump and 178,000,0000 others

BodKaiden: she look pressed as hell😂 definitely got that you from you but ma baby girl cuteeeee😍❤

Kaiser23: @BodKaiden Noooo nooo sir that's you alllll you in the face I've seen that face a couple of times😂 the lips and all

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