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Ariannas POV
"Ramerio I think your the only one who does that buddy" I said patting his back as I grabbed a juice from the fridge "No I swear I'm not the only one who does I no alot of people who do" he said "Who" I said climbing back on the island "Point taken anyways" ramerio said. If you wanna no what were talking about were talking about the way he sleeps

When ramerio sleep one his mouth is partially open and  he has his hands down his pants ion no if it's from something that happened in his past but I find it funny. "Any way what" I said taking a drink "nothing" he said as he did a cross over on kiana then acted like he shot a basket ball. "Rammerrioo" kiana said pushing him out the way.

"You do that all the time" she said "I know cause its fun" Ramerio said "Yall both weird" I said laughing "No if anyone's weird its him," Ramerio said pointing at Kimetrius "Who the hell sleeps At a island instead of a bed" he said pointing at Kimetrius "he's drunk man chill on my baby" I said hugging Kimetrius "yeah ok" ramerio said.

"Ramerio why you making fun of him,? Yo stupid ass was asleep on the bathroom floor with your hands down your pants last night till I woke you up" Kiana said laughing "Looook that bathroom floor was lowkey comfortable at the time" ramerio said throwing his phone in the air and catching it. "Ugh I gotta basket ball game tomorrow" Ramerio said "Wheres your jersey" I asked.

"Upstairs in my bag" he said "Is it clean" I asked "Probably not" Kiana said "go get it big head" I said he ran upstairs as Jordan came out of his room "hey baby" I said as I pulled Jordan onto the island "Hi mommy" he said rubbing his eyes. He sat there for a minute then climbed up on the island reaching for kiana. Kiana and Jordan have a tight relationship.

Jordan loves kiana just like manii loves Ramerio. But anyways I gotta doctors appointment in 20 minutes hopefully they can tell me what the gender is cause I'm currently 4 months as of last Monday "Baby" I said shaking Kimetrius "Kimetrius" I said "Watch this" I said to kiana. I grabbed the juice bottle i was drinking out of and poured some on his cheek.

He moved a little bit then i poured more and he shot up "what the fuck" he said wiping his face "Get up i have a doctors appointment in like 20 minutes" I said he got up walking upstairs as ramerio came walking downstairs with his shorts and Jersey. He gave them to me "ight I gotta doctors appointment I'll be back in a little bit" I said running upstairs to get Kimetrius.

He was dressed and laying on the bed. "You ready baby" I said "Yeah" he said back he got up and we walked downstairs and out to the car. "Wait dont we get the gender this time" Kimetrius asked "I hope so" I said he smiled as he pulled out of the driveway. We drove over to the place where my appointment was and went in.

I got checked in and then went and sat down.

Ramerio's POV

"Ow jordan" I yelled as he jumped off the island onto my back wrapping his arms around my neck. Then manii jumped on me. I fell to the ground and kiana came and joined them. They all started beating my ass "Damn what the fuck did I do" I said. They all started hitting me then i got up and ran upstairs they all followed me laughing. "Who wants to go to the mall" I yelled as manii jumped on me.

"Mee" they all said "Ight go get dressed" I said walking to my room. Kiana followed me and jumped on my back as I walked into my room I went into my closet with her on my back "Ion no what the fuck i wanna were" i said "where those black pants a black shirt and your timberlands" kiana said pointing at my clothes with her foot.

"You gonna match me" I said pulling her up more on my back "mhmm" she said she kissed my neck "What you doing" i said laughing. She didnt say anything. Then she bit me "Oww" I said laughing she started doing it again "Kiana what is you doing" I asked. She didnt say anything. I let one of her legs go "stooooppp" she said.

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