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This chapters just gonna be Kaiden and london

Kaiden's POV
"London go back to sleep" I said half asleep cause its 9:30 in the morning and she's up jumping on the bed. "Daddy up" she said "no daddys tired" I said "daddy up" she whined I sighed "okay I'm up" I said sitting up. "Come on let's go get in the bath" I said "okay" she said I got up picking her up we went in the bathroom i started her bath water and stood her on the counter. "Dada you got big hands" she said grabbing my hand. "I know" I said I took her shirt off and layed it on the counter  "I love you London" I said looking at her "I wove you to daddy" she said I took her hair down then took her pants and diaper off her. 

"Come on" I said. I put her in the bath "stay there and dont get water every where" I said "okay" she said I walked into my room taking my hair out of the bun on my head I changed my under where and put pants on then went In the bathroom. "Daddy you got long hair" london asked "yeah" I said as I grabbed her a wash cloth and towel. I set it on the counter then went back to my room picking her clothes out I layed them on the bed walking out the room as Xyare came upstairs "damn bitch dont scare me like that" I said laughing "nigga" she said "what you got going on today" she asked.

"Imma finish giving her a bath then imma go over to selenas for a lil bit cause she been blowing my phone up all night then I have to run over to Trell and get some stuff then I'm going over to Domani's and smoking for a while then after that is fair play whoever call first" I said "come back here after you go to domani's kordell said he needs to talk to all if us" she said "okay" I said "you got London still" she asked as london yelled from the bathroom. "Yeah" I said "yall be careful out there"she said "we will" I said going in the bathroom

"Tell ian when he gets outta work I gotta eithy and 50 dollars for him" I said grabbing londons wash cloth. "Nigga's been working hard" she said "hell yeah" I said as I started washing london up "also tell myzel when you pick Kobe up from school that I said imma come to his football game tmr" I said "gotchu" she said "she got big" Xyare said as I poured water in londons hair "hell yeah a big pain in my ass" I mumbled. "You gone start getting her more often" she asked "yeah I've been missing my baby" I said as I finished washing the soap out of her hair.

"She even starting to look more like you she said as I drained the water and wrapped her in a towel. "Ma twin" I said lifting her up "you say hi to Auntie xyare" I said she waved "hi mama's" she said "ight imma go get her dressed" I said she moved outta my way. I went and layed London down on the bed drying her off I put lotion on her then a diaper I put a plain white onsie on her and then put her pants and shirt on her I put some socks on her then her shoes. "Dada hair" she said point at her hair "I'll do it in a minute" I said "otay" she said as I out her other shoe on I went and pulled a shirt on.

Along with socks and shoes. I grabbed my phone and her backpack putting my phone and charger in it. I filled it with diapers wipes back up clothes her pacifiers and her blanket shutting the bag. "Alr you ready crazy head" I asked "mhm" she said smiling. I picked her up "come on let's go bye bye" I said we went downstairs. "Dell dell" She said trynna slide down off me. I put her down and she ran over to him hugging him "hey baby" she said I went in the kitchen grabbing her bottle putting it in the bag i grabbed my keys going back to the living room "ight come on girl" I said.

She kissed kordell good bye and we went outside. "Dada's car" she said pointing at my car. I put her in the backseat in her carseat setting her bag down under her feet "dada movie" she said "okay hang on" I said buckling her up. I gave her her pacifier getting in the front seat. I started the car grabbing the Toy story movie disk out of my middle console. I put it in and waited for it to start playing I turned the volume up as the movie started. I backed outta the drive way driving down the street "kaiden" some one yelled I looked over seeing Juju. I rolled the window down

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