birthday girl pt.2

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Ariannas POV

So rn Kimetrius is at the house cause he has a meeting with the boys that him and jaelynn worked with and then he gonna come help me get stuff for manii's birthday. I'm currently at Walmart with Josiah and Montana. Yes Kimetrius knows there with me "What about this" Montana said picking up a unicorn head and putting it on.

"You understand how many people put there heads in that and you just put your head in that" I said with a disgusted look on my face "Word" Josiah said with the same face he took it off then threw it in the thing "ion care" Montana said. He grabbed the shark head and put it on his head . I grabbed my phone "Pose"i said.

He posed and I took the picture

"Fucking retart" I said he took it off "Shut up" he said as he threw the shark head back in the thing "what do you need now" Josiah asked "party hats, a black light, red bandanas, and balloons" I said "damn" Josiah said "well let's go to the party stuff" Montana said as he hopped into the cart.

I laughed and pushed the cart "Montana has anyone ever told you your stupid??" Josiah asked "My mom's said it a few times" montana said "That's tuff" I said laughing "very" Josiah said.

Kimetrius POV

I'm currently at the house with the guys where talking about some shit that's been going down "Aye man what happened to your arm and your stomach" one of the guys asked "I got shot yall ain't no?" I said "Hell naw we ain't no, who the fuck shot you my boy" jeramiah said "Yall remember Arianna's Ex nigga" I said.

"Corzae" one of them said "Naw his names not cordae its corjae" another one said. I honestly cant remember the niggas name and honestly dont care "what ever the niggas name is I'm gonna get a location and were gonna kill him" one of them said. I was busy staring a the ground "Kimetrius" one of them said

"Aye nigga" jeramiah said hitting my stomach "Huh" I said "you here the plan?" He said "No, sorry I was thinking about something" I said "we gone kill the nigga" they said. "Naw naw look I now he shot me in all but that's still jordans dad at the end of the day" I said "He right" one of them said "We cant kill lil nigga dad" jeramiah said

"Wait dont he be calling you dad tho" one of them pointed out "That dont matter man" I said "he dont fuck with the nigga so why not kill him" one of them said I stood there looking at the nigga "We ain't killing him" I said "I will then" one of the guys named Ramerio said as he pulled a gun from his waist band.

I slapped the side of his head "put it away" I said "Yall arent killing him that's final" I said  as I put my hand down on the couch "Damn nigga why you always beating on me" Rameiro said "Cause you always the one coming up with the stupid ideas fucker" I said

"Ok but you dont gotta slap me" he said "I can pop you in the ass with an airsoft gun" I said he didn't say anything "my point exactly, look its manii's birthday and I dont want anything to ruin it ok" I said "Ight" they said "What yall doing for her birthday" one of them asked.

"Well tomorrow were going to some place called Gravity for the kids birthday party and sunday is the family birthday party" I said. "Ight bet" they said i got a text from Arianna "Look i gotta go meet Arianna at Walmart can one of yall go pick up the kids from school" I said "I got it" jeramiah said. Bet "Now the rest of you can stay here and when me and Arianna get back"

"Were gonna need help" I said "ight" they said "dont burn my house down" I said running down the stairs. Jeramiah followed me. "Ride with me and you can take my car and get the kids it will be easier" I said "ight" he said. I jumped off the last 2 stairs and grabbed my keys "shirt" he said "Fuck a shirt" I said as I walked out

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