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Kiana POV
its 9:30 and I just got off the phone with Mikayla I'm currently getting ready to go get her. "Where are you going" maiden asked still asleep "I'm going to get my friend from the airport" I said. "Ok" he said i got up going downstairs JaKobe was sitting on the couch playing on his iPad "where you going" he asked "the airport" I said "can I go" he asked "yeah put some shoes on real quick" I said he put his shoes on and we went and got into the car. We got to the airport and we still had an half and hour till she gets here. We went to Auntie Anne's and he got a birthday cake milkshake

I got a cookie doe Ice cream and we sat there eating I stood up taking his picture. "Why are we at the airport" jakobe asked "cause were picking up my bestfriend" I said "oh ok" he said I posted his picture as we waited

 "Why are we at the airport" jakobe asked "cause were picking up my bestfriend" I said "oh ok" he said I posted his picture as we waited

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Kaiser23: Them baby hairs will do something to you ❤💯 but D8❤🤞🏼

Liked by: Ybnarnica, YbnManny, YbnNahmir, Itsaribitch, Treybae, Merio45, ianrogers, Kordell38, NbaYoungboy, Josiah67, PonchoBrown, BodKaiden and 99,890,780 others

PonchoBrown: Ma babyyy❤

Kordell38: Kobeeeee❤❤

Ianrogers: that boy 🥶

We sat there talking and laughing as we waited. My phone ringed and it was mikayla asking where I was. I told her we were on the way over to baggage claim. Me and JaKobe got up and went to baggage claim and waited. I seen mikayla walking towards us "big headdd" I said as I went and hugged her "hey shawty what's up" she said hugging me "im glad your here" I said "me to" she said she got her bags and we went to the car she put them in the trunk and we got In the car "where are you staying" I asked 

"A hotel" she said "girl" I said "what" she said "your staying with me" I said "alr" she said I drove back to the house "look ion no what there doing in here so dont say shit" I said laughing "ok" she said we all got out and went inside as kordell was beating kaiden with something. "Told you" I said "get off me"  kaiden said I laughed they stopped fighting "guys this is Mikayla, mikayla this is kaiden Xyare Kordell and ian" I said "hey" mikayla said they all said hi back. "Wheres miah" I asked "sleeping" kaiden said "Kyrien" I asked "he left with Nalani" Xyare said "ok" I said.

"Come on mikayla" I said as I walked towards the basement yes there is a bed down there and stuff already "you can have this whole basement to yourself" I said "thank you" she said hugging me "your welcome" I said back "imma put my stuff away" she said "ok" I said going upstairs. I went into the kitchen and kaiden came in rapping something. "up the Glock 50 round I'ma leave a nigga stuck" he said walking up behind me. "What" I said laughing "it's a song" he said "come upstairs with me" I said grabbing his arm while biting my lip.

"No" he said "whyyy" I whined "your already pregnant" he said "ok and" I said pulling him. We went upstairs and pushed him into the room. "What's wrong with you" he asked "I want you" I said climbing in his lap "I dont think sex is good for the baby" kaiden said "that's one of the top ten things that is good for the baby look it up" I said kissing him he grabbed his phone. "Well I'll be damned" he said I laughed. He looked at me "your a sex addic" he said "thank ramerio" I said kissing him "what's his number" he said laughing as he bit my lip.

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