I just woke up and Josiahs gone ion no where he is but he's gone. I reached up grabbing my phone I seen a text messege from Kimetrius I looked at it and he said that he left Mason downstairs with Josiah. I got up putting on some clothes I went downstairs and Josiah was sitting on the couch while mason played with his toys. I went into the living room as josh texted me saying he was on his way over. "Hey I gotta go get some stuff done ok" josiah said "alr" I said "you coming back" I asked
"Later most likely" he said getting up. I looked at Mason "clean your toys up baby" I said cause we have 4 hours until his appointment and where his appointment is its 2 hours away. Then also I'm hungry so were gonna have to eat before we go. I helped mason clean up as I heard the front door open "Ari" josh said "living room" I said he came into the living room holding his camera "hey" he said "hey" I said looking at him "ok so today were going to my Nephews doctors appointment you no just to be sure hes ok" josh said to his camera "Mason come here" josh said
They started talking on the video as I put the rest of his toys away and got his diaper bag ready. I sat down on the couch "where do you wanna go eat eat before we go" I asked "umm that red Robin place" he said as he layed on the floor to charge his phone "Alr we can go in a few" I said "what's he going to the doctors for" josh asked "just to check on him cause you probably cant tell but Mason has autism" I said "awe no I didnt no that" josh said I shook my head mason looked at him and was talking to him as I grabbed my phone. I took there picture as Mason was mid sentence. I smiled saving the picture then posted it on Instagram
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"Are you ready" I asked "yeah" he said getting up he unplugged his phone putting it in his pocket "imma make a montage" he said turning his camera on "alr" I said "you take the kid I'll take the diaper bag" he said I laughed as I picked up Mason. I took him to the car putting him in as josh came out recording him walking. I laughed he got into the passanger side and turned his camera off. "Ok so were gonna go eat then were gonna leave" I said "alr"
Kimetrius POV
I feel bad. No fuck bad terrible. I always promised her that I would never lay hands on her and I did. Currently I'm sitting here waiting on Márianna to get here me and her and Jordan and manii are going out for a while. "Manii are you dressed" I yelled "yes" she said coming into the living room with her belt undone "daddy can you help me" she asked "manii how hard is it to put on a belt" I said annoyed "this belt isnt like a normal one" she said "i thought you how to put on a belt manii" I said.