Next day Arianna's POV I just woke up it's currently 8:30 in the morning I got up going downstair the kids are at school and Cordae had a "Buisness meeting" I grabbed my phone getting on twitter seeing I had tags on a video I clicked on it seeing it was from one of Kimetrius Consert
"Now before I say good night man I want every single one of you wonderful people to start recording this cause i want you all to send it to arianna he waited a minute ok so me and Arianna have been going threw alot if you've seen on her snapchat and instagram we broke up a few weeks ago. I was broken man when she came into my life man it's like i could see more clearer she made me see everything her smile brightens up the whole room her laugh oh my good her laugh I could sit and listen to it all day I would call Mama Skies just to brag about her then me and her got back together but in that time frame of me and her not being together I made some very fucked up and dumb decisions. And unfortunately yesterday me and her got into it and I lost her again.
He stoped talking for a minute as his head started hanging low. The crowd awed he picked his head up but it dropped again then he picked it back up and he was crying
*while crying* yall do not understand how much she means to me man shes the best thing that ever happened to me and to have her snatched away from me because of a dumb decision guys I'm telling you Cherish your moments with your boyfriend your girlfriends your bestfriends brother sisters cousins dogs nieces and nephew grand children cause when they get taken from you that shit fucking hurts man. I never new I couldnt physically live without her till she left now I cant even breath correctly. Send this video to her man spam her inbox say bring Kimetrianna back man if I get her back I swear to god I'll do another X project LONG LIVE X
the video ended man seeing him balling up on stage mad me cry man I got up putting my shoes on I got in the car driving back to the house. His car was there along with a few others so he must be there. I got out going inside. I looked around the house failing to find him he wasnt in the room I went down stairs seeing him in the booth recording I stood on the steps Landon and a few other people were there but they all didnt notice me. "Kimetrius your voice has to go lower" they said cutting the song.
"Dawg my- he said and they cut the sound to the booth hey must just be repeating himself. "Are you done" he said "start the fucking track" he said he started the track singing it as I stood there with my arms crossed the music cut he pushed the head phones off "I cant fucking do it" he yelled pushing the music stand over "nigga chill you got it" landon said. Kimetrius hallowed out and I sat on the steps watching him I even took a video and put it on my Instagram with the caption waiting for him to notice. His phone was on the island tho. I was watching him while he was singing .
When his eyes kinda glanced up at me but looked down then his eyes shot back up at me. I stood up as he came running outta the booth. Landon and the rest of em looked at us smiling as he picked me up off my feet hugging me tightly. Landon and them clapped behind us as I hugged him he put me down "come finish this so you can be with your girl" landon said. He grabbed my hand making me come in the booth with him he put the head phones on "make your voice higher" landon said "it's not that easy" Kimetrius said
He started singing again and when the high part came I pushed his head up. He finished it "cause period" I said as he finished it "welp that's going in the video" Landon said laughing "what" I said "you saying cause period" he said "no" I said "yes and actually I have a video shoot rn let's go" he said throwing me over his shoulder we went upstairs and he put in the car "good I can replace my extra with you so you gonna be in my new music video" he said "ok" I said "imma get your name tattooed on me" I said "really" he said as he pulled up to the place "where" he asked.
"On my ass" I said "why" he said as we got out of the car "cause your a pain in the ass" I said "haha your funny" he said holding the door open we went inside "hey skies I'm so happy to be working with you" a girl said "oh they didnt tell you did they" he said looking at her "what" she asked "we canceled the video" he said "oh ok" she said "but you still are getting paid and thank you for showing up" he said "no problem" she said walking towards the Exit "you arent shit" I said "Ain't shit and never will be shit" he said shrugging his shoulders. I laughed.
"Now you go get dressed" he said pushing me to a dressing room. "Okay" i said when I walked in there was a dress hanging on a hanger I grabbed it putting it on i did my make up and sat there for a minute just thinking cause a girl nust lost her job for this but then again she still got paid but I feel bad. There was a knock on the door "yeah" I said "were ready for you it's your time" the director said
Kimetrius POV Currently I'm tied to a chair I'm were shooting the video for my music video the director just went to go get Arianna she was taking a minute so i sent him to go check on her. He came out a few minutes later. "Shes ok she was collecting her thoughts" he said "ok" I said as I seen her walking towards us "ok Kimetrius I need you hands in our lap" the director said I moved my hands to my lap as Arianna walked out to the front of me slowley as th camera circled around her "good good now Arianna put your hand on his shoulder" the director said I looked up at her and my jaw dropped "Exelent that's all we need" he said "that was it" I asked "yeah you did the other parts yesterday but you were mostly high the smell of marijuana was so putrid I caught a contact buzz in 2 minutes standing 5 feet away from you" the director said.
"Most of been some loud ass weed" arianna said. "It was " I said "ok well I've gotta run so just lock up when you leave" he said pulling the Sd card from the Camera and grabbing his Computer "ok" I said "thanks dave" I said "your welcome" he said walking towards the door "watch this" I said to Arianna "I love you dave" I said "love you to rat" he said walking out cause he's been my director since I was young and dumb and making music I mean I'm still young and dumb but still "untie me please" I said "mmm I kinda like you like this" she said I looked up at her. "Really" I said "mum put em behind your back" she said. I put myarms behind me looking at her "i like this" she said as she sat down in my lap
Hours later
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Lilskies:go check out my new video featuring my baby. P.S SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON THAT CAN MAKE ME LOOK THAT WAY^^^^