yer Pt.2

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Kianas POV
Jason... Jason walked threw the front door his eyes were set down on his phone as latrell came from the back "what you doing here" latrell said klenching his jaw as he walked in front of me "naw nigga what you doing here" Jason said dropping his phone in his pocket. Latrell dug in his pocket "I run up here nigga now stop playin with me" latrell said.

I looked between both boys "what is she doing here" Jason said pointing at me. I hid more behind latrell "dont worry about her" latrell said "nigga you brought a girl who's brother is a bottom nigga who fucked us over into our trap house" he said I seen latrell passing me the keys to the cars I grabbed them "yeah I did cause she has nothing to do with what happened" latrell said

"You gotta be smoking some good I should pop her ass" he said grabbing at the gun in his waistband I hid behind latrell holding kyrien tight. "Get her out and dont bring her back" he said "last I checked I was boss" latrell said "you right" Jason said laughing. "Go wait in the car" latrell whispered in my ear as he walked away "Dont be surprised if she disappears either" Jason said as I walked past him.

I went to the car putting kyrien in the back and locking all the doors. The longer I sat there the more freaked out I became. I grabbed my phone texting latrell.

Babygurl💙: I'm scared

Babygurl💙: This is why I wanted to stay home

Babygurl💙: Latrell

I'm coming mama chill I'm sorry about that honestly I'll make it up to you.

No I just wanna go home

I looked out the front windshield seeing Jason coming out the front door Jason to me was scary looking he was like 6 foot tall he has a scar on his chin thick eye brows and like just looking at him you think he could get away with murder like fr Hes scary looking  like he could kill somebody Jason peered over at me smiling then got serious mad quick. He went to his car and got in he drove off and Latrell cmae out after him he got in the car and I didnt say anything to him.

I just want to go home and sleep I dont wanna be bothered. He pulled out of the driveway "I'm sorry" he said sighing I didnt say anything "kiana" he said "i didnt even wanna go everytime I go with you I always end up hurt the first time you elbowed me in the face then this time I'm getting threatened to get shot like what the fuck" I said outta anger.

He sighed and didnt sat anything "look I'm sorry about Jason honestly the nigga gets outta hand but me elbowing you in the face was an accident" he said "that's an understatement" I mumbled "what" he said pulling up to the house "nothing" i said getting out I grabbed kyrien from the back "what did you say" he said getting out "nothing" i said walking inside.

I looked at the time seeing i had to go get miah. I went inside grabbing my keys "Hey kiana" Nalani said "yeah" I said "lemme take Kyrien for a little bit" she said "you sure" I said "yeah" she said she took him and I walked out of the house seeing latrell sitting in the grass "where you going" he said I ignored him.

"Kiana I know you heard me" he said I got into my car shutting the door pulled put of the drive way. I mean I should be used to this. Getting fucked over bye everybody. Nothing ever goes right in my books something always happens and I'm always in the wrong or I always end up hurt.

I pulled up to miahs school going in cause miah had an after school program. I went In signing her out. She ran over to me and I picked her up "Hey boog how was school" I asked "it was good but I miss daddy" she said I sighed "me to" I said looking at her.

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