Rican baby.

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Ramerios POV

It's 3 in the morning and me and kiana are on the way to the hospital. All of our stuffs packed and were ready to go so we decided to go see trey again before we leave. The trip is 2 weeks and it's gonna be lit. "Come on baby" I said parking the car she woke up and got out of the car. I got out also.

I grabbed her hand as we walked into the hospital. We went up to the 6th floor and found his room. We walked in quietly and trey didn't have any tubes down his throat they did have a device watching him tho. Josiah was sprawled out on the pull out couch with his face smooshed down into the bed with the pillow over his head.

Ramerio sat down on the chair and I sat on treys bed. I grabbed his hand looking at him as Ramerio tipped his head back against the wall. I sat there looking at trey. I held his hand tightly "hey buddy" I whispered rubbing my thumb against the top of his hand. "I miss you" I said "I know I said some rude and fucked up shit but I didn't mean it" I said remebering the night when we picked him up from jail.

Nothing on him moved I smiled "Imma make it up to you when you wake up" I said touching his cheek. He smiled "Ramerio look" I said He looked over as the smile fell off his face. "Do it again" he said pulling his phone out and aiming the camera at me. "Imma make it up to you when you wake up" I said touching his cheek. He smiled again.

The smile faded and his legs started moving and he started shaking. His head went side to side "Josiah" I said. Trying to wake him up as I looked at trey "wake him up" I said. "Trey follow my voice" I said. His legs shaked faster. "Follow my voice trey trey" I said as I held his hand. His eyes twitched. As Josiah walked over "what's wrong with him" he asked.

"I think he's gonna wake up" I said "Trey follow my voice" me and Josiah said At the same time. Treys head snapped over to the side as his eyes rolled back in his head "trey follow my voice " I said "AWWWWW" was screamed as treys eyes popped open
He was heavy breathing. I looked at him as he looked around. "Trey" I said Hugging him tightly. He hugged me back "I'm sorry" I said as he held onto me.

"You didn't do anything" he said as he let me go and wiped the tear off my face. "I hate you why would you do that" I said hitting him. He laughed "how you gonna love All on me then beat me" he said laughing. "Cause you always doing something" I said as I hugged him again. "You so bipolar" He said pulling me on the bed.

"Hey Ramerio" trey said. "Hey man" Ramerio said dapping him up. As he looked at his phone. "I'm so happy your back" I said Hugging him "where was I" he asked confused. "You were in a coma" I said "I was" he said "Yeah" I said as I carressed the side of his face.

"Kiana" Ramerio said I looked over at him as he took a picture of me and trey cause for some reason trey is always ready when somebody's taking a picture around him. Like he doesn't even have to no the person and he'll be ready. He looked at the picture "how do you do that" Ramerio said looking at the picture where trey was throwing up the usual gang sign.

"Ion no" trey said laughing "wait don't y'all leave today" trey asked "yeah but we got a few minutes" Ramerio said "oh well I don't want y'all to be late cause you no how mama be" trey said referring to Arianna "she'll be ight" Ramerio said. We sat around talking till Ramerio said it was time to go "kiana unfortunately it's time for us to leave" I looked at trey and he hugged me.

"Its ok sis" he said "face time me when you get to Puerto Rico" he said letting her go "ok" she said. We said our goodbyes then left out. "Ight we're going straight to the airport"  Ramerio said. I shook my head "your chest tattoos finished right" I asked. "You've seen me with out my shirt on you should no" Ramerio said.

"Yes" he said as he turned into the airport. We got out and Ramerio texted Kimetrius.

Ariannas POV
we're on the plane already the plane doesn't board for another 25 minutes but we're on it right now waiting on Kiana and Ramerio. "There on there way to the plane" Kimetrius said. I shook my head. Were in first class so all the seats face each other. So like I'm holding Ollie and kimetrius is sitting to the left of me and Jordan to the right of me bye the window.

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