the number

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Ramerios POV
We all just got in the car Kejuan is in the backseat and Kiana's driving. Kiana sped off from the house and drive over to janaes house We all got out of the car. I instantly got a bad feeling cause of what happened earlier with her. Kiana walked up to her car "should i smash her Windows" she said "hell yeah" Kejuan said as he got out of the car.

I pushed Kejuan's head as she swung the bat at her front windshield. "Lets goooo" Kejuan said recording as she smashed his Windows. "What the fuck" was said from the door as Janae appeared in the door. She threw the bat to the side and went over to janae hitting her. She hit her three times in the head "get her baby get her baby" I said.

"What did I get beat up for" janae asked after kiana hit her one last time. "Take the picture down now" Kiana said Holding her bye her hair Janae grabbed her phone deleting the post off of Instagram Kiana let her go we all walked out of her out "that's ight cause that's why his dick was in my mouth earlier" she yelled slamming the door.

I froze looking at Kejuan "oh she's real delusional" Kejuan said but Kiana seemed to ignore it as she sat in the front seat. I got out the drivers side as Kejuan got in the back. "Where am I going" I asked "mall" I said she stayed looking away from me "friends house" I said "food" I said. She smiled. "Were going to get food" I said pulling out of the driveway.

"What do u want" I asked "taco bell" she said with an attitude. I drove to taco bell ordering the food. We got the food and I took Kejuan home. Then went to the house. Jeremiah was there. We got out and kiana went upstairs into the room as I stayed and talked to Jeremiah.

Kiana's POV

He doesn't think that I know that he got his dick sucked bye that bitch. I'm not even gonna waist my breath on him any more I'm currently watching. Toy story while eating Call me a kid if u want but thats my movie. I heard Ramerio outside the door. The door came open and him and Miah and manii came in the door. "Kiki" manii said "wassup baby" I said "can me you and Miah go get out nails done" manii asked.

"Yeah lemme finish eating" I said "yaaa" manii said. I grabbed my phone clicking the home button to unlock it. I seen the guy from the uber had texted me. He asked for a picture of me for my contact picture. I sent him the picture of me Then told him to send me one. I shut my phone off and out it to the side as Ramerio sat on the bed and started eating.

Miah came and took a bite from Ramerios burrito while he was grabbing his controller. I laughed as manii did it also. He came back as he started playing fortnite. "How you just gonna turn my movie off like that" I said "you wasn't watching it" he said "yes I was" I said taking a bite off my burrito. "Yeah ight" he said throwing the last piece to his burrito into his mouth. "Wait where did my burrito go" Ramerio said.

"Nigga" I said "no that burrito was little as hell" he said I laughed "Naww you just fat" I said"call me what you want, but you can't call me broke" he said "here manii" I said passing her the chips and cheese sauce. She came and got it and started sharing with Miah. Ramerio started eating his second burrito and Miah walked over to him.

"Lemme get a bite" Miah said "no" Ramerio said "stop being mean" she said "I'm not being mean" Ramerio said as he pushed play on the game he was playing "give me a bite" she said "here" Ramerio said giving her a bite . she walked away and I laughed "was that so hard" I said "no" he said.

"Ight come on manii come on Miah" I said getting up. "Where y'all going" Ramerio asked "somewhere your not" I said as I pushed manii out of the room lightly "yeah ight" ramerio said we walked downstairs and I put manii in her carseat and went to the other side lifting Miah up into the car. I hopped in the front seat and grabbed my phone.

I called Montana asking what he was doing and he was out with his friends. I pulled out of the drive way as I texted ol boy from earlier back. He told me link at the mall and I told him bet. He sent me a picture of him and his eyes mannnn his eyesssss. He told me to put it as his picture and I did.

I put my eyes back on the road as I pulled into the mall. I let the girls out and i seen him leaning against his car on his phone. I grabbed the girls hands and walked over to him "hey" I said "heyy" he said "who's this" he said pointing at manii and Miah "this is Miah and this is Manii" I said he smiled and we started walking into the mall.

"What y'all bout to do" he asked "they want there nails done so " I said "damn bad and boujee already" he said laughing.

Kimetrius POV

"why are we here" I said as I seen we pulled up to cordaes house. " he's the one that Did that to Arianna" Manny said. I opened the door and got out throwing my gun into the seat. I walked over to the door and kicked it in and walked in. I walked into the living room seeing Cordae on the couch. I ran over and started punching the shit outta him.

I hit him multiple times till I seen blood then I grabbed the front of
His shirt I looked back at Manny and he handed me the gun. I held it to his head. "You rapped my girl leaving her fucking tramatized nigga what the fuck is wrong with you" I said holding it to his head. "Manny your gonna let him do this to me" Cordae said.

You could tell the nigga was scared "you shot me and raped my girl" I said he grabbed my arm "lemme go" I said. "You raped my sister" Manny said standing there with his gun. "Pull the trigger" Ski said. "daddy" someone said from the door. I turned around seeing a kid about 3 walking in. "Stop not in front of my son please" Cordae said.

"Ski get the kid" I said. Ski put his gun down picking up the kid. "You lucky I got heart nigga you lucky you gotta kid" I said putting my gun on my waist. "That's not all your doing right" Manny said "hell naw" I said as I started punching him till I felt my arm pop. I kept hitting him till I couldn't take the pain anymore.

We walked out and got into the car and ski put the kid in the house. And got into the car "Fuck I think my hands broken" I said has I let my hand hang "let's go show arianna" Manny said

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