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Kaiser23: When you cry for a straight hour so Your granddaddy has to come calm you down cause your spoiled @LilSkies ❤🤞🏼

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Kaiser23: When you cry for a straight hour so Your granddaddy has to come calm you down cause your spoiled @LilSkies ❤🤞🏼

Liked bye: PonchoBrown, BodKaiden, Itsaribitch, Treybae, Merio45, ianrogers, Kordell38, NbaYoungboy, Josiah67, Mikayla678, YbnNahmir, YbnManny. Ybnarnica and 690,000,000 others.

Itsaribitch: she loves her Papa❤

LilSkies: It was almost like instant I took her and she fell silent much love for my babygirl❤🤞🏼😂

YbnArnica: Aww I cant wait for daddy skies again to bad it's a damn BOY

Lilskies: Well @YbnArnica I'm glad it's a damn boy ❤🤞🏼

Kimetrius's POV
Yes we are having a boy Baby Ki coming in 2 weeks I'm so excited. Manii's been gone for about 7 months now she's enjoying her time down with her uncle Kamrin and Grandma currently right now I'm down in the basement in the studio writing while Mason and Jordan play behind me cause arianna's upstairs sleeping finally she's been fighting sleep like crazy this baby has had her on her toes shes had 2 false labors and shit I'm just really ready for him to be here.

"Daddy uncle Kamrin posted on Instagram" Jordan said handing me my phone I sat back clicking on the Notification.

KamrinHouser: She's what's kept me going these past few Months❤🤞🏼 Also we just did a Podcast with @JuiceWrld it'll be up soon

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KamrinHouser: She's what's kept me going these past few Months❤🤞🏼 Also we just did a Podcast with @JuiceWrld it'll be up soon

"Your sister met juice world" I said "lucky" jordan said "buddy you live with one of the best celebrities ever stay up kid" I said he laughed "daddy can we go out and do something I'm bored" Jordan said. "We can go to uncle landon's" I said "How about uncle ski's" he said "eh ok" I said throwing my pen down I took them up stairs getting them dressed then we went outside "Hold on Mason I need a picture for your Instagram" I said bending down "Jordan you sure you dont want an instagram" I asked "no" he said.

I put them in the car and posted Masons picture on his Instagram

I put them in the car and posted Masons picture on his Instagram

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MasonsWrld: Balenciaga Drip🥶

Arianna's POV
I just woke up I'm very pregnant and in pain Kimetrius left and I'm tired as hell and i cant wait for my baby to get here yes we are having a boy and were naming him after kimetrius but he'll most likely just go bye baby Ki cause i call Kimetrius well Kimetrius so things will get confusing ive been nesting like crazy tho ive cleaned and re cleaned the room 5 times ive disinfected everything a whole bunch of times. ive even color coordinated Kimetrius underwear drawer along with his socks i got up going in the bathroom feeling a cramp that got more intense as i stood there 

im not for sure if there contractions so im not gonna blow my head up about it  i felt the pain go away i turned the shower on and stripped outta my clothes and got in the shower. when another one started i grabbed my phone timing it when it went away the timer said 4 minutes and 3 minutes i sent a message to kimetrius telling him and then washed my hair and body getting out i went and put on clothes then went to the bed sitting down i heard the door downstairs open witch meant Kimetrius and the kids were back. i got up going down stairs "Kimetrius" i said "yes" he said "where are you" i asked "shh your gonna blow my cover" he whispered

i seen jordan and mason walking around the house looking around i went in the kitchen going in the pantry seeing kimetrius standing in there he put his finger to his lips i grabbed a bag of chips and walked out of the pantry shutting the door "mommy is daddy in there" Jordan asked as he looked at me "no unless he's hiding in this bag of chips" i said laughing "ugh i cant find him anywhere" he complained as i heard Kimetrius bump in the Pantry "he is in there" Jordan said "no he's right there look he ran into Masons room" they swung around "come on mason we have to go get em" Jordan said pulling him i opened the pantry door "ow i hit my head" he said

i laughed "go hide somewhere else" i said he ran hiding behind the couch as the boys ran out of Masons room "Mommy he wasnt in there you must be seeing things again" Jordan said walking towards me "Rawr" kimetrius yelled scaring the kids but i guess he scared Baby Ki to cause as he Rawred at the Kids a big rush of water came outta me "well good morning to you to baby Ki" i said "what he do kick you" kimetrius asked as he picked up Mason "nope he just broke my water" i said looking at him "wait really" he said coming in the kitchen "yep" i said he looked down on the floor "oh my god" he said putting mason down

"baby" Mason asked "yeah mama's gonna have the baby" kimetrius said grabbing my hand to help me outta the kitchen "mommy's gonna have the baby" Jordan asked "yeah" i said as i went upstairs i went and changed "come on lets get you to the hospital" he said "im not contracting" i said as i looked at him "still" he said "then ion need to go" i said "baby im not prepared to deliver a baby" he said "im not contracting" i said going into the bathroom i turned the water on in the bath tub "okay well imma sit out on the bed if you need me ill be right there" he said "okay" i said i turned the warm water on getting in

then i felt the contractions start i sat there cause the water was actually kinda helping till the pain got intense i reached down feeling his head was all the way out "oh my god Kimetrius" i said "what are you ok" he asked as he came into the bathroom "his head is outta me call 911" i said "arent you drowning him" he asked "no call" i said as i seen mason and jordan come in the bathroom as Kimetrius got a walk thru of what to do "mommy you having baby" Mason asked "yes baby" i said leaning to the side to try and get comfortable mason held my hand as Jordan stood there kind of stunned "jordan go see where daddy is" i said "daddy" jordan yelled

he walked out as he yelled his name kimetrius came in the bathroom with his phone pushed against his face "ok now do what" he said mason stepped back so kimetrius could help jordan held my hand "mommy squeeze my hand if it hurts" jordan said "No the last time we checked it was just the head" Kimetrius said "ive gotta put my hand down there" he asked he stuck his hands down there "oh the shoulder just came out" he said "he's out" i said feeling the baby come out i gasped as kimetrius pulled the baby up "oh my god" i said "okay now what do i do" he asked he grabbed the nose suction thing sucking the stuff out of his mouth as the baby started crying 

i watched as he clamped the cord "Jordan you wanna cut it" Kimetrius asked jordan walked over cutting it "i did it" jordan said the boys walked out and kimetrius held the baby i went and put on clothes as there was a knock on the door downstairs "imma follow you guys to the hospital imma get the boys ready" he said passing me the baby "ok" i said as he went and let the Emt's in

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