Kiana's POV So kaidens been gone all day Miah and Jakobe are at school xyare kordell and ian are all with kaiden and wont answer the phone. That last time I talked to kaiden was 15 minutes ago and he said he was at Walmart. I'm not worried tho currently I'm in the kitchen cooking while Londons in her swing and I belive kyriens watching something on netflix and playing with his toys. I only have those to rn till JaKobe and miah get outta school.
Cause they dont have school till next Tuesday cause of labour day. I'm currently making a quesadilla for kyrien for lunch cause he didnt want anything else but a quesadilla "kyky go wash your hands" I said "I did" he said. "Ok" I said I heard london start fussing i grabbed kyriens quesadilla out of the pan putting it on the plate i cut it up and put his favriot things on the side ranch sour cream and salsa. I brought it out to the living room seeing him hung over londons swing making faces at her and she was smiling. I took there picture. "Kyrien come eat" I said "mommy did you make some for London" he asked "she cant eat big girl food yet" I said.
"I'll share with her" he said moving his plate over closer to her. I posted the picture of them on my Instagram and watched kyrien as he talked to her
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Kaiser23: this little boy is obsessed with his sister 😂❤
I watched kyrien eat as he watched london "you want a bite" he asked london "no, ok" he said taking a bite. I laughed to myself "mommy what is that" he asked pointing to something in his quesadilla "its chicken weirdo" I said laughing "oh" he said laughing as he took a bite "kyrien you love your baby sister" I asked "yes I love her" he said he finished eating then went back to playing with london "kyrien its time to take a nap" I said "nooo I wanna stay up with london" he said "no you have to take a nap" I said he made a pouty face. "Come on" I said as the front door opened Revealing kaiden "daddy help shes trying to make me take a nap" kyrien said running over to him he laughed picking him up.
"Its nap time you gotta take a nap buddy" maiden said laughing "but I wanna stay up and play with london" he said "london will still be here when you wake up" he said "ok" kyrien said "come on let's go take a nap" kaiden said you can tell kaiden was high as hell. He shut the door and I picked up london and grabbed a bottle going upstairs. I went in the room laying her in her boppy pillow. I grabbed a diaper and wipes as kaiden came in the room he was about to sit down on the bed "change your clothes you smell like weed" i said taking the onesie off of london.
He sighed going into the closet. I changed her diaper and put her white and pink pajamas that had lil foxes all over them I zipped it up and put a bib on her kaiden came out of the bathroom still wearing the same thing scratching his head "kaiden go change" I said "oh yeah" he said lowley I put the bottle in londons mouth and she closed her eyes kaiden came out with a wife beater and shirt on he came and layed down on the bed "what have you been doing all day" I asked "smoking" He said laughing "mm" I said he laughed I finished feeding london then I burped her "here" I said he took her laying her on his chest and patting her back lightly