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Kaiser23: Kyriens absolutely obsessed with his baby sisterI feel bad for her future boyfriend 🤣 kyrien ain't bout to play no games wit his lil sister he hasnt left her alone since the day we brought her home from the hospital ❤ they are absolutely irresistible❤🤞🏼
YbnManny:please come kill arnica's baby fever cause if I find her poking holes in my condoms again I'm moving out.
"I'm dead" I said reading mannys comment "what" ramerio said holding london "arnica commented on my post saying come over cause I have baby fever and manny said please come kill arnica's baby fever cause If I catch her poking holes in my condoms again im moving out" I read he laughed "you wanna go see them" I asked " of course" he said laying london down on the bed. He grabbed londons carseat and put her in it I scrolled past ramerios post from earlier "I should slap you" I said "why" he said "the caption you put for that post" I said
"Oh" he said laughing I got up getting dressed we currently do not have kyrien cause he's with mikayla and janasia. "Are you ready" he asked "yes" I said grabbing my phone we walked out of the house and he put London in he wanted to drive so I let him I started going threw my pictures when I found the picture of when he asked me to prom "you remember this" I asked ramerio showing him the picture "of course I remember it how couldn't i" he said I smiled as I posted the picture to my Instagram
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Kaiser23: throw back to prom ❤🥰🤞🏼
I went back to my pictures and looked threw "I found your homecoming pictures" I said "do you got the one with my mom" he asked "yeah" I said "send it to me" he said "ok" I said I sent it to him and posted the one of him and trey