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Kiana's POV
Its 5:30 in the morning and I'm in the hospital with Jakobe his surgery is at 6 I just got here Kaiden stayed the night with him last night so i didnt really sleep good cause i new JaKobe wasnt in his room so I had that piece of me that felt not right cause I didnt have all my kids. I went up to His room going int the room seeing Kaiden knocked out on the bed thing bye the window with his hair every where and Jakobe sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed. I have london with me so Ramerio only has one kid to worry about cause he has to take Miah to school.

Londons Currently sleeping so were in the clear I sat in the recliner chair they have with london in the chair next to me. I pulled my phone out getting on Instagram posting a picture of JaKobe

Kaiser23: I'm not gonna say much But every body pray for Jakobe He's undergoing a Major heart surgery please no hate in the comments he's in really good care❤ just keep JaKobe in your prayers and hope for a successful Procedure❤🤞🏼

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Kaiser23: I'm not gonna say much But every body pray for Jakobe He's undergoing a Major heart surgery please no hate in the comments he's in really good care❤ just keep JaKobe in your prayers and hope for a successful Procedure❤🤞🏼

Liked bye: PonchoBrown, ianrogers, Kordell38, NbaYoungboy, Josiah67, Mikayla678, Marquan8, kiara17, YbnManny, YbnNahmir, YbnGlizzy, Merio45, Itsaribitch, Treybae, and 99,000,000 others

PonchoBrown: #PrayersForKobe❣🙏🏽

NbaYoungboy: Yall pray for ma Boy he gone be straight 🙏🏽❤

YbnManny: He gone be straight Kiki dont worry Hml if you need anything❤ #PrayersforKobe

Josiah67: #PrayersForKobe🙏🏽❣

Merio45: #PrayersForKobe❤🙏🏽

I heard kaidens phone vibrating I grabbed it seeing it said Ma dukes "Kaiden" I said shaking him "Kaiden" I said again he woke up "huh" he said "your moms calling" I said passing him the phone "hello" he said answering the phone "no mom I'm fine i was sleeping" he said rubbing his eyes. "I'm fine" he said "yeah bye" he said falling back to sleep without even taking his phone off his ear. I dont think he really took in that I was here lmao cause his eyes never opened he just answered the phone.

The doctor came in the room turning the light on "goodmorning" he said "goodmorning" I said "ok so the doctors are prepping the Or right now for him so right now I have to ge vitals and temperature for start" he said pulling gloves on as he pushed the buttons for the blood pressure machine cause the blood pressure cup was already on him. "Ok his temperature looks good" he said as he pulled something from a box on the wall "can you put this on his head all of his hair" he said I took the thing from him as the blood pressure thing went off "ok his blood pressure is kinda low" he said as I put the thing on his head.

"the anesthesiologist is on her way down here right now your gonna want to wake him up now before she gets here only because its s lil scarier for kids to wake up to a doctor instead of there parents you no" he said kinda laughing "trust me I know from experience" he said I laughed "okay thank you" I said "no problem" he said grabbing the stuff he needed and walking out "Kobe" I said sitting on the side of him "jakobe" i said he started moving he rolled over looking at me "it's time to wake up" i said he looked at me "good morning" i said he looked at me "my chest hurts" he said lowly

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