not easily broken

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Kimetrius POV
"Wait what" I said looking down at the big wet spot on the bed "baby your water broke" I said as I pulled her down off the bed "What happened" ski asked as he woke up "my water broke" I said "No my water broke Kimetrius your a male" Arianna said as she walked to the closet.

I went and grabbed the baby carseat and bag. "I'll take care of the kids you guys go" ski said "ok" I said as Arianna came out of the closet rubbing her stomach. She had on pants "come on baby" I said as we walked out of the room Ramerio was in the kitchen and kiana was sitting at the island.

"Where y'all going" Ramerio asked "my water broke" Arianna said "oh shit y'all be careful and lemme no what happens" Ramerio said "I will" I said kiana got up hugging Arianna "y'all be careful" Ramerio said as we walked out the door. "Owe"Arianna said as we walked to the car

I put her in the mustang and got in and pulled off "hey siri call big black mexican" I said as I drove down the street.

Big black mexican💯❤:

Kim possible💯:
Ayee Manny man tell arnica to meet us up at the hospital Ariannas water just broke (Arianna screams)

Big black mexican💯❤:
Omg ight

I dropped my phone and couldn't reach it so I just continued to drive. I got to the hospital and grabbed my phone off the floor. I went and helped Arianna out and we walked in. I got her a wheel chair and went to the elevator I clicked the number 4 as Arianna grabbed her stomach again.

The elevator opened and I rolled her out to the receptionist desk. "My wife's water just broke" I said "ok what's her name" the lady asked "Arianna Pryor" I said "birthday" she said "Feburary 26th" I said "when's her due date" she asked "it was yesterday so March 30th"

"Ok sign this" she said passing me a clipboard with papers on it "not you, her" she said laughing "Oh yeah" I said passing the clip board to Arianna. She signed it and passed it to me and another doctor came. "Ok I'll take you guys if you wanna push her on this way" the doctor said. I followed the doctor back to the room.

The put us in a room "ok take your pants and shirt off and put this on" the nurse said passing her a gown Arianna stood up and grabbed the gown. She sat on the bed and put the gown on. She got up on the bed and they came and put something on her stomach that tracks the contractions.

"Ow" she said as she squeezed her eyes shut. I grabbed her hand "it's ok" I said as she opened her eyes and grabbed her phone. The doctor came in the door "ok I'm doctor Santiago in here to check how dialated you are" the doctor said "okay" Arianna said. "What does that mean" I asked "to see how low the baby's head is" Arianna said.

They put her legs up and I looked at arianna. I laughed to myself "what" Arianna said I bent down to her ear "the last time your legs where like that was when he was made" I said "Aww shut  up" Arianna said slapping me. I laughed as I stood up. "Ok your dialated to a 5" the doctor said

"What do I have to be dialated to in order for me to start pushing" Arianna asked "A 9 is when we start pushing but we're gonna disconnect You and move you to labor and delivery" the nurse said. "Ok" she said. She left the room and I held her hand "hopefully this goes bye fast" Arianna said rubbing her stomach.

Another doctor came in and started disconnecting her from stuff "Is this your first" she asked Arianna "yeah" she said "Aww boy or girl" she asked "A boy" Arianna said as the doctor took the contraction monitor off "aww there easy to take care of except when potty training comes around then you have the struggle" a
The doctor said. I laughed

"Your dad right" she said looking at me "yeah" I said "Aww your guys baby's gonna be super cute" she said "thank you" I said "how's the heartburn been" she asked "terrible I got heartburn off water" Arianna said "that means he's gonna come out with a head full of hair" she said.

"He better all that heartburn" Arianna said as she rubbed her stomach again. They layed the bed all the way back and Arianna sat up. "Ok we're gonna move you guys to labor and delivery" she said I grabbed Ariannas stuff and followed the nurse out.

We walked out of the door and we went into the labor and delivery. It's currently 2:50 in the morning and yeah I'm bout to meet my son. They put us in a room and they connected Arianna to a whole bunch of stuff and stuck an IV in her arm. After they left I say there with her. She started having contractions. "Owe" she said as she started crying.

She rolled over in her side and I he's her hand as my phone dinged.

Me and kiana are in the waiting room I'm not leaving so don't say shit and keep me updated.

I laughed at the text and put my phone down "what's funny"  Arianna said as she squeezed my hand. "Ramerio texted me saying me and kiana are in the waiting room I'm not leaving so don't say shit and keep me updated" she laughed as she squeezed my hand. "Oww baby" she said squeezing my hand.

"Ik ik" I said holding her hand

10 hours later.

It's 11:30 and Ariannas sleeping she's only dialated to a 7 and she's been at a 7 for the past 5 hours arnica went to get food, Ramerio kiana and manii are in the waiting room still manii wanted Ramerio so purpp brought her up here. "Ow kimetrius" Arianna said as she woke up "shh I'm right here" I said. As I grabbed her hand.

"I gotta shit" she said I laughed to myself "call for the nurse" I said. She pushed the nurse call button and squeezed my hand "owe" she said as the door came open. "What can I do for you guys" the doctor asked as she put on hand sanitizer. "I gotta shit" Arianna said "Well that's a good sign" the nurse said. I looked at her confused.

"How" Arianna said "I'm gonna check your dialation" she said "What the fuck does my dialation have to do with me having to take a shit" Arianna said. "Cause when you have the feeling you have to poop that means you might be ready to push" the doctor said She started checking Arianna "oh yeah mama your ready" she said "What am I at" Arianna asked. "A nine so where gonna get your doctor down here to check you" she said as she left the room.

I looked at her "I'm geeked man" I said as the door opened. Arnica walked in. "What's happening" she said "she's dialated to a nine" I said "oh so you bout to start pushing" arnica said "Yeah" she said as I held her hand. "Hello" was said from the door.

The doctor came in and started checking me "oh yeah your definitely ready to push" he said as he walked away from her taking his gloves off "I'll be back in 45 minutes" he said as he walked out. More doctors came in and started prepping her.

19 minutes later.

"Baby you did it" I said kissing Arianna "he's here" I said they layed him on her chest as they suction stuff outta his mouth. They took him over and weighed him. "Congradulations" the doctor said as they slowley started filing out. I texted Ramerio and told him he was born and told him to leave manii in the waiting room for the moment.

Arianna handed him over to me "he definitely has your nose" arnica said stepping on her too tied to see him "swear" I said. The door opened and before the curtain moved someone said something "You covered mama" ramerio said "yeah" Arianna said pulling the gown up over her chest.

He came in and walked over to me "mhmm he defintly has your nose" Ramerio said pointing at his nose with the car keys in his hand. "This my I8 keys" I asked Ramerio looked up at me and smiled " you braceface bitch" I said "shut up" he said as he walked away. "Congratulations mama " he said hugging Arianna "thank you buddy" she said.

"So imma go drop manii off at home do yall need something" Ramerio asked "yeah I need you to not drive my I8" I said Ramerio laughed "but it's so tempting" he said "mhmm" I said "no we're good"Arianna said "ight"


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