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Ariannas POV.
"Mason come on" I said cause currently were all about To go to my fashion show thing I sont wanna go but i have to the kids are actually in it that's why there going and Kimetrius is also along with ramerio and Miah,and Kyrien JaKobe was supposed to be in it but he was admitted to the hospital. "Alr now when we get here yall dont be acting like you dont got no since cause you will sit in time out" I said "got it" kimetrius said "got it" they said. Kimetrius drove to the place and we all got out going inside. They rushed me to make up and then I went and changed "Arianna your on in 3" the director said "ok" I said.

I went and checked on the kids and they where getting dressed I made my way up to the front I walked out everyone clapped i smiled and waved as i was passed a mike. "Hello helo good evening everybody I'm happy to see you all to day this time I'm back and I'm better" i said they all clapped for me. "While recovering from the accident I had alot of time to get the designs for the clothes ready today I will be showing you ever thing from male formal to jogging appearl and female formal to jogging appeal. And now kids formal to play clothes." I said.

"Special guest tonight are Jackson Avery, Ramerio Owen's jr., KaMiah Owen's, Mason Foose, Ahmani Foose, Jordan Jacob's, Kimetrius foose Davi Vasquez, Josiah Dempsey, Kyrien Jimenez and many more we were supposed to have my other lil nephew jakobe here but unfortunately  Jakobe has been Admitted  to the hospital with heart problems but we do love him around of applose please for jakobe" I said as I clapped with the people "alright with out further A do Let the show begin" I said walking off stage as they clapped I went back and Kimetrius ramerio and all the kids were lined up ready to go.

"You guys look good go get um" I said grabbing my mike and going back on stage "the first look is the very formal suit and tie look presented bye Kimetrius foose" I said as he walked down stage looking like a whole snack "this suit can be found in many diffrent sizes for tall men like him" I said cause kimetrius is fucking tall he's 5'9. Kimetrius walked back towards me to the back while making a face he went back stage Josiah walked out showing the other model types I swear to god these boys are restart Josiah looked at one of the camera men in the crowd pointed at them and smiled for them to take a picture. He walked back.

"Goofball" I said as he walked passed me. "The next look is for teens 13-19 the sizes do range this suit is presented bye Ramerio Owens" I said as he walked down the runway. He turned around walking back I looked over seeing Jordan was up next "next up is the kids suits I said motioning for jordan he stepped up and started walking "just like the others this one ranges sizes but is mostly for kids very comfortable and has no tags on the inside to irratate them" I said as Jordan walked back "good job baby" I said manii stepped up next

"Next up is one of my hardest projects but most success full the dress" I said as manii walked out. I felt my leg start to shake I motioned for Kimetrius he walked over "what's wrong" he asked "my leg" I said " ok come on" he said he picked me up walking me off stage I sent my director up for to finish off as Kimetrius sat me down " your ok you did good" he said I smiled "I dont feel good" I said "what's wrong " he asked "I feel like light headed" i said "you want me to get the medic" he asked "yeah" I said "alr" he said getting up I breathed in and out slowly trying to catch my breath but it wasnt working.

"Baby you ok" Kimetrius asked. I tried answering him but I couldnt "baby" he said as everything kinda just went numb and my body felt weak.

Kimetrius POV

"Hey arianna look at me" I said touching her check she kinda just stared off in space like ramerio does before he has a seziour. "Baby" I said as the medic came "she wont answer me" I said  "ok calm down we'll get her all handledcm" she said I went back to the stage as it was my turn to go out I went out then came back as they put a mask on her face "is she ok" I asked "I think shes haveing a stroke" the medic said "were gonna transport her to the hospital" he said "ok" I said following them as one of the medics brought in the stretcher. Her eyes were still open.

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