Kimetrius POV it's Arianna's birthday it's currently 5:30 in the morning and the kids are not going to school on this lovely Tuesday. Ramerio's "Friend" witch I think is his girlfriend stayed the night last night but we made manii sleep in there with them so you no. The freaky shit wont go on.
Rn I'm heading to the post office cause one of ariana's gifts came through the mail and she isn't expecting it so it's going to be cool. I ain't telling you what it is yet so don't get hasty. She is currently asleep upstairs in the room and I am in the car. I'm like 5 minutes from the post office and it's going to be lit on gang
Arnicas POV
Kehlani will not go to sleep she has been up every hour of the fucking night. I just want to fucking sleep Manny is asleep at the moment. But kehlani is screaming at the top of her lungs I fed her I've changed her diaper and everything. She won't go to sleep. I walked around downstairs holding kehlani while she screamed and rocked her gently.
"Its ok Mama's please go to sleep" I said as I walked around the living room exhausted. I turned around and seen me and you coming down the stairs "what's wrong with her" Manny asked." I don't know she won't go to sleep all she's doing is screaming and I haven't been to bed cuz she's up every hour"
" give her here you go to bed" manny said taking Kehlani "What's wrong with Daddy's baby" he said holding her. He put her pacifier into her mouth but she still cried.
Mannys POV
I was awakened by hearing kehlani screaming downstairs I looked over and arnesia was gone. I walk downstairs and she was holding kehlani while trying to help her fall asleep. I could tell she hasn't been to sleep cuz she looks very tired so I took kehlani I tried my best to get her to stop crying but it didn't work.
Then I thought about it. Kehlani always falls asleep when we in the car and I still have to get stuff for Ariana's birthday so I walked over and grabbed her car seat and her sweatshirt that was on the couch I put her sweatshirt on while she screamed then buckled her into her car seat I grabbed a diaper bag. And walked out of the house grabbing the keys I put her in the car.
I started the car and turned the on. And I backed out of the driveway. She was still crying I drove down the street and turned and went to the highway as I started driving more kehlani fell silent. I drove to Walmart and found a parking spot. I got out and grab kehlani from the back putting a blanket over the front of her car seat. I walked in.
Ariana told me the other day that all she wants for her birthday is food. So I'm going to go get a whole bunch of candy and chips and stuff. I grabbed a cart and put kehlani on the front and took the blanket off she was asleep finally. I covered her with the blanket and went and started getting stuff.
Kimetrius POV
I got the gifffftttttt now I need Arianna to hurry up and wake up cause like I wanna see my baby I'm outside the house at the moment imma tell yall sum I bought Arianna a new car. I bout her a Range rover. She wanted one so I got her one its matte red and it has black lining its gonna be lit fr tho.
I looked over and seen the front door open and Arianna come out she had on shorts and a tshirt she looked at me squinting cause the sun was out and it was bright as hell she walked over to the car and opened the door "what you doing baby" she asked looking at me "nun I just got back I was hoping you would still be sleep" I said
She got in and shut the door "I gotta head ache and my stomach hurts" she said "awee my babys sick on her birthday" I said touching her cheek she layed her head into my hand "where did you go" she asked as she rubbed her eyes "I had to go pick something up" I said "What" she said looking at me "nun serious" I said.
"It better have not been drugs Kimetrius" she said annoyed "it wasn't " I said "come on let's go inside" I said she got out and I got out to grabbed the thing from the post office and putting it in my pocket. I followed her in the house and all the kids were sitting at the island eating including Ramerio and his friend I honestly forgot her name.
Arianna walked into the kitchen and I walked in behind her sitting on the counter. I think imma give it to her now "Baby" I said "hm" she said turning around "come here" i said she came over to me and I pulled the thing out of my pocket. "What's this" she said "Dont worry about it just open it" I said she looked at me.
She started opening it throwing the pieces away as she ripped it open. When she pulled out the lil book "what is this" she said smiling "open it" I said. She opened it and her mouth flew open "What is it" Ramerio said she looked at it as she started crying "Were going to Puerto rico" she said as she looked at me "Yeah" I said she started jumping up and down "thank youuuuu" she said hugging me.
"Wait all of us or just me and u" she said "All of us" I said she got excited and hugged me "thank youuuuuu" she said looking at me "your welcome" I said kissing her she looked at it again then hugged me again "that's only the beginning" I said "Wait what" she said "nun all of you guys go get dressed" I said and they all got up and went there separate ways.
Ramerio"s POV
So I already no this surprise cause I helped Kimetrius plan it. I'm currently in my closet looking for my shirt and Kiana's getting dressed in the bathroom. She's gonna stick around for a little while today. I pulled a shirt on and some pants and found my shoes to go with it as kiana walked out of the bathroom "You ready" I said "Yeah hang on lemme fix my hair" she said.
I walked in there with her watching her do her hair "Take this picture wit me" kiana asked I walked up behind her putting my hands on her waist. While she took the picture I grabbed her phone before she posted it I put a heart over my face and for the caption I put "No face, No Case❤" she looked at it "I was gonna do that" she said
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(Its not them but this is what the picture looked like)
"You spelt case wrong" she said laughing "No i didnt" I said she showed me it "ok maybe I did" I said laughing "Merio" was said from my room "Yeah" I said walking out to see manii tighten her belt. "Can you help me " she said "come here" I said she walked over to me and I picked her up and put her on the counter.
I fixed her belt and tied her shoes. "You ready" I said "yeah" she said as she grabbed her phone and walked outta the bathroom. I followed her and we went downstairs "Ight let's go" Kimetrius said coming down stairs.