Kianas POV Kyriens been Trying to walk all day. He's only 8 months. Kaiden and him have been working on it all day currently kaidens kneeled down on the floor putting his hands out to kyrien to try and get him to walk "come on papa you got it" kaiden said I grabbed my phone as he took a step my jaw dropped I took there picture and kyrien walked the rest of the way to kaiden. Kaiden picked him up "Yeah" he said throwing kyrien up in the air and catching him.
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Kaiser23: My baby took his first steps 🥺 I couldnt be more proud rn❤🥺
Kordell38: lil nigga got kaiden happy ❤ Kyrien out here doing both things.
Ianrogers: Ma boy kyrien finally mobile❤
BodKaiden: Best 5 minutes of my life❤🥺
Mikayla678: My boy❤
PonchoBrown: my nigga kyrien finally mobile ❤💯💜
Ramerio likes all the post about the kids but he wont call to talk to them or anything. There supposed to go with him today but I havent heard from him at all. "Wheres that one mikayla girl you got from the airport yesterday" Kaiden asked "Downstairs" I said "why dont she come upstairs" kaiden asked "she stays to her self and shes currently helping her dad make designs" I said looking at my "designs for what" he asked "her dad owns Ethika" I said as I got up "say swear" kaiden said "I swear"
"I never met her" he asked "no that's the girl I went and seen when we were in Puerto Rico when we were supposed to go out but you had a headache" I said rolling my eyes. "I did" he said I looked at the time seeing its 10:30 the kids are at school today was actually Jakobes first day of his new school. He started school at the same school Miah goes to. Thinking of that I never posted his and miahs pictures this morning.
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