bonds that tie

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Kianas POV
I think I'm the only one awake in the house. Kaiden asleep on top of me and the rest of the house sounds quiet. I ran my fingers threw Kaidens hair as he layed on my chest sleeping I'm barely dressed I dead ass have on my braw and that's it. The blankets over the both of us so nothings showing but I'm stil basically naked under here. Kaidens mouth was pracially opened and his head was tilted up towards my face. He was passed out. Him and Jakobe sleep alot alike. I heard the stairs creek in the hallway.

I reached over the best I could grabbing my shirt I pulled it over my head and lifted Kaidens head up and pulled the shirt the rest of the way down. There was a knock at the door "yeah" I said the door came open a little bit "yall dressed" I heard Xyare ask "I wouldnt have said yeah if I wasnt dressed i said laughing she came in the room "i got a quiestion for you" she said coming over and sitting on the bed "what's that" i said "i got court in a half an hour could you take me to my house help me find something to wear and take me to court" she asked

"Yeah" I said "ight thank you" she said "now get out so I can get up and get dressed cause I dont have pants on" I said "Ew" she said walking towards the door "dont you eat pussy for a living" I asked "yeah" she said "so shut up" I said as I looked at her. She laughed and walked out of the room I slid out from under Kaiden putting a pillow under his head I grabbed a pair of skinny Jean's out of my backpack and put them on. I put a diffrent shirt on and grabbed my phone. I kissed kaiden and walked out of the room.

I went downstairs seeing ian asleep on the couch with his leg all open.  There was another boy laying there next to him who looked like him. "Xyare you ready" I asked "yeah" she said getting up. I looked at the not seeing he had a box on his ankle. We walked outta the house and got into the car. "Ok wheres your house" I asked "around the corner" she said I pulled outta the drive way and she gave me direction "now do not listen to anything anyone of these lil niggas" she said.

I shook my head getting out of the car we went inside and there was kids everywhere they all ran up to Xyare "Xyare xyare" they said hugging her "get off me yall ain't miss me yall just missed my money" she said as she went into the kitchen where there was a woman holding a baby while cooking "hey ma" she said "hey baby" she said as she passed the baby to Xyare "Hey Stinka" xyare said holding the baby over her head. "Who's this" her mom asked.

"Oh this is kaidens girlfriend and my bestfriend  Kiana" she said "hi" I said "Hi I'm Anna but feel free to call me momma seemings how everybody calls me mama" she said "mama" someone said coming into the kitchen "what" she said "did Xyion leave my sweatshirt down here" the boy asked "it's on the table baby" she said "my point exactly" she said I laughed. "You got court today go get ready" she said
She carried the baby with her as she went upstairs we went into her room witch was surprisingly clean "ok your surprized my rooms clean" she said I laughed

She put the baby on the bed and sat down "closets right there go free" she said. I went over to her closet grabbing her a pair of black pants. I grabbed an all black belt and a polo shirt. I walked out putting them on the bed I grabbed her some shoes to match her outfit "there you go" I said "can you take her back down stairs with you" she said "yeah" I said taking the baby from her. I went downstairs and sat down at the edge of the couch. I put the baby down on the floor and she got up walking to me again.

I picked her up and a little boy walked up to me "hi I'm Jason" he said "hi jason" I said smiling "are you Xyares girlfriend" he asked "no I'm her friend" I said "your pretty" he said I laughed "thank you buddy" I said "your welcome" he said as he stood there "do you have a boyfriend" he asked "yeah" I said "who" he asked I turned my phone screen on reveling kaidens picture "Kaiden" he said shocked "yeah" I said "I thought Juju dated kaiden" he said "not anymore" I said "oh" he said as Xyare came outta nowhere grabbing his head "here now leave her alone" shebsaid passing him a chip bag.

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