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Arianna POV
Currently I'm getting dressed. Its 11:30 and the kids are at school and ramerios still sleeping. I took Josiah home last night cause he had some stuff to handle with his brother. At this current moment me and Mason are getting ready to go meet up with Cordae for lunch or for us breakfast cause we just woke up. Mason is currently sitting on the bed looking like a wild child I pulled my pants on going into the closet I grabbed mason a pair of pants I grabbed a shirt to match and shoes.

I went out and changed his diaper I got him dressed then picked him up. I grabbed my phone I grabbed the backpack that has his diapers and stuff in it and walked outta the room. I went down to ramerios room and told him I was leaving. I went out to the car putting Mason in the backseat I texted cordae telling him I was on the way to his house cause that's where we were meeting at and he texted back saying ok.

I drove over to his house and pulled into the driveway. I got out grabbing mason who was now sleeping. I went up to the door knocking. The door opened revealing cordae with his shoulder holding his phone to his ear while he was unfolding a shirt to put on. I walked in shutting the door. "Umm I'll wait on it cause the agency never gave me the say so" cordae said I sat down on the couch as cordae put whoever he was on the phone with on speaker and put his phone down.

He started picking at something at his fingers as he listened to the guy talk "ok well um I'll let you no later cause at the moment I have something to do" cordae said as someone came down the stairs I turned around seeing nahmir coming down the stairs on his phone "mirrrr" i said getting up "Ariannna" he said. I ran over to him hugging him "I ain't seen you in a grip" he said "I swear" I said hugging him tightly "how you been" he asked "good" I said "that's good" he said "hows mason and the rest of them lil rugratz I know I havent came and seen them in a grip" he said.

"There good there all at school except masons on the couch sleep" I said. "Lemme see what he look like" he said we went into the living room "damn lil nigga got big" nahmir said "fr" I said cordae came into the living room "ok I'm ready" cordae said "where yall niggas going" Nahmir asked. "Out" cordae said.  "You should let take Mason" nahmir said "where you going" I asked "a few places with my mama" he said "ok" I said giving him the backpack. "You ready" cordae said "yeah" I said I kissed Mason's head and walked outta the house.

We went to cordae's car and he opened the door "unlock the doors" I said laughing "oh I thought I did" he said he unlocked them and I got in he started the car "where do you wanna eat at" he asked starting the car. "Ligma" i said "what the fuck is ligma" he said "Ligma balls" I said "get out" he said pushing a button that made my door open. I laughed as he shit the door. "Umm it doesnt matter any wear is fine" I said putting my seat belt on "alr he said "how about ihop" he said "yeah" I said "so like quiestion of the minute" I said "what's that"  he said.

"Since were gonna work on being friends again why did you rape me" I asked lowley he looked out the front "you want the truth or a lie that seems like the truth" he said "the truth cordae please" I said grabbing his arm. "Alr so like I got my son taken away and I was going threw alot and like all my emotions were outta wack my mom has been sick and shit like that then like I still like have feelings for you and all the emotions from the past flashbacks and it just happened" he said "ok so you took out all your anger and shit on me" I said "yes but then after I regret it all" he said.

I sat back "why didn't you get me locked up or like press charges against me" he said "cause honestly I would have plead guilty on my own" he said "because I didnt feel it was nesseccery" I said "so you sent Kimetrius and ski and manny over to whoop my ass" he said "no manny did that after I told him not to" I said. "He's an opp now" cordae said turning down the street "why" I asked "he stoped contacting everyone and he pulled a gun on nahmir" he said "wow" I said. "I havent seen manny in a grip" I said playing with the braclet on his wrist.

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