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Ariannas POV
So nun of the kids went to school today cause my phone turned off last night while I was sleeping and the alarm didnt go off. So currently Miah Jordan Manii and Mason are all playing in the living room. While I clean the kitchen Kimetrius ramerio and Landon are in the basement working on stuff while I watch the kids. Kyriens downstairs with them cause he was screaming for his dad.

"Manii Noooo" I heard Jordan yell I stood there counting down from 5 quietly "5,4,3,2,1" I said as I heard Jordan start crying. "Manii give it back" Jordan said. I dont get in the kids business I let them solve it themselves unless it's something serious I stood there washing the dishes as I heard the sound of the skin on skin contact hit.

Manii screamed "jordan" Miah yelled. I went into the living room seeing manii holding her face "Jordan Jacobs" I said as I went into the living room "what happened" I asked "he slapped me" manii said "come here" I said to manii. She came to me and I pulled her hand away from her face seeing a hand mark "Jordan room now" I said "your ok" I said huggin manii.

"No" Jordan said stomping his foot "Jordan imma beat your ass" I said stepping over the baby gate. He ran away from me to the other side of the living room. "Get over here jordan" I said but of course Jordan being Jordan he didnt listen. I caught him grabbing his arm.

"No" he said dropping to the floor I dragged him over to the baby gate and he kept trying to pull his arm away. "No no no no" he said tell me why this boy had the audacity to turn around and start hitting me. "Now you really getting yo ass whopped" I said taking him to his room..

I threw him over my shoulder and he started hitting my back. Then he bit my shoulder "KIMETRIUS" I yelled as I put Jordan down and walked away. A few minutes later kimetrous came upstairs "yes" he said "you better get Jordan before I punch him in the face" I said pissed off "what did he do" he asked "he slapped manii across the face leaving a mark" I said.

"Then slapped me three times and bit me" I said he looked at me "something is wrong with this boy" he said "where is he" he said "in the hall way to his room" I said . Kimetrius walked over to the rooms and I finished the dishes "get up" I heard kimetrius yell. I finished "Mommy" I heard Mason say from the living room.

"What macy" I said as I washed out the sink I looked over seeing him at the gate rubbing his eyes. I looked at the time seeing it was 11:30 witch means its nap time. I grabbed his bottle and made him one then went out picking him up we walked to the back and I seen kimetrius sitting on the bed on his phone.

I poked my head into the room seeing Jordan  doing wall sits Jordan looked at me as he had his arms out straight "down" kimetrius said. Jordan fell down to the ground and I walked out of the room. I went to masons room and changed him then layed him in his crib. I gave him his bottle then covered him up.

I grabbed his pacifier putting it next to him. Then walked Out of the room shutting the door "up" I heard Kimetrius say. that's the kids punishment we make then do wall sits for every minute of there age so take it as manii shes six she would have to do wall sits 6 times for 6 minutes each and she gets 2 minute breaks in between each one.

"Miah and Manii left over pizza or a sandwich" I said "pizza" they both said. I grabbed the pizza from the fridge.

Ramerios POV

"I'll be back imma take him upstairs" I said picking up kyrien who was crying "ight" Logan said. I walked upstairs and made him a bottle I took him upstairs and layed him down giving him his bottle he pushed it away looking at me "well it's either bottle or nothing cause unlike mommy I cant feed you" I said shrugging my shoulders.

I grabbed the baby monitor walking out of the room. I went downstairs while looking at my phone "miah what you doing" I asked going into the living room "nothing" she said. "Ight imma come get you dressed in a minute" I said "ok" she said "where yall going" Arianna asked.

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