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Arianna's POV
I woke up laying naked next to Josiah I pulled the blanket up seeing he was naked also. My wrist had Mark's on them from the handcuffs. I got up going to the closet. I put on a pair of spandex shorts and a shirt and went downstairs I cleaned up and started making food cause I'm starving because I decided not to eat before I got drunk I'm surprised I'm not throwing up rn but I'm not complaining. The buzzer for the front gate went off I went over to the intercom and pushed the button.

"Who is it" I asked "Dezzy" she said I buzzed her in and ran upstairs. I threw the blanket over Josiah and walked out shutting the door. I went downstairs as there was a knock on the door. I went and opened it "hey dez" I said hugging her "hey ma" she said. I went back to the kitchen and continued cooking "look at you in here cooking" she said I laughed "so how was your birthday" I asked "it was fun I thought it was just gonna be another day but I fucked with it you surprised me moms took me out I had a good time" she said as she took a drink outta the water bottle she had.

"That's good that's good" I said "how bout you la gurl i heard a rumor about you being famous" she said "i am famous" I said "how" she said "you no lil skies" I asked "Now and day I'm to cool for a girlfriend" she sung "that's my baby daddy and now ex boyfriend" I said shrugging my shoulders. "What happened between you guys" she asked "I caught him cheating" I said lowley as I flipped a pancake "damn I'm sorry" she said as she sat on the counter "its whatever I mean I should have seen it coming I guess it was to good to be true" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Damn" she said I finished cooking and stood there eating with Dez as we got each other caught up on everything from where we left off. "Where are your kids now" she asked "Manii and Jordan are at school and Ramerio is probably at his girlfriends and Mason is at my Moms" I said rolling my eyes. I heard something upstairs fall "who's that" she asked "a friend of mine he came over last night to celebrate his graduation" I said as I walked over towards the stairs. I went into the room as Josiah was pullin his pants on "hey" I said "hey" he said.

We both stood there awkwardly "did we" he started I shook my head "yeah" I said. "Oh" he said "I'm sorry" he said "it's fine i actually kinda liked it" I said shrugging my shoulders he laughed. "My friends down stairs so dont speak on it" I said he shook his head and I walked outta the room. We went downstairs and I made him a plate "dez this is Josiah josiah this is dez", I said "yo lil sisters kiana" dez said "yuh" josiah said "yeah I remember you" dez said I looked at the both of them confused "how" he said "I uh dated your sister junior year till she left me for ramerio" she said "ohhhh yeah your the one that got into the car accident" josiah said "yeah" she said.

"I'm sorry about that" josiah said "its alr only minor damage" she said laughing I looked at my phone seeing I had a text messege from kiana saying she was at the gate "speaking of the devil" I said as I went and let her in "what" josiah said "kiana's here" I said "oh yeah imma bounce thanks for the food and nice to see you again she said hugging me "oh ok" I said hugging her. She walked out the front door "that was weird" i said "ion quiestion it" he said taking a bite of the pancake he was eating. Kiana came into the front door holding kyrien

"Wheres ramerio" she asked "he's not here" i said looking at her "why" i asked "instead of being the Bigger parent that he claims to be he left miah and kyrien  on the porch for 20 minutes till Ian and Xyare found them cause he didnt have enough balls to knock on the door" she said "he did what" I said "he left kyrien and miah on the porch and told miah to knock on the door when he pulled outta the drive way cause he didnt wanna knock on the door" kiana said "imma kill this child I swear I am" I said "and kyriens hair was so matted up it took shampoo conditioner and 2 ½ bottles of hair detangler" she said

"Both of them smelled kyrien had dried up milk under his neck and miah has bruises all over her again" she said I put my hand to my face. I grabbed my phone calling ramerio

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